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[[Image:Logo-Omas.svg|center|300px|Logo Omas]]
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni}}
[[Image:Logo-Omas.svg|center|300px|Omas Logo]]
[[OMAS]] was founded in 1925 and is one of the historic Italian fountain brands. Since then, albeit with mixed success, and with several changes of ownership occurred after the death of its founder, it has always remained active in the fountain pen market. Ownership passed to the French [ Luis Vuitton] company in 2000, and then in October 2007 they sold it to the Chinese company [ Xinyu Hengdeli], in March 2016 it ceased activities.
[[OMAS]] was founded in 1925 and is an historical Italian fountain pen brand. Since then, although with varying fortunes and many changes in ownership occurred after the death of its founder, the brand has always remained active in the market. Property passed in 2000 to the French luxury brand [  Louis Vuitton], who sold the company to Chinese brand [ Xinyu Hengdeli] in October 2007.
In its activities [[OMAS]] has been characterized by a remarkable capacity for technical innovation and product quality, resulting probably from these point of view better than any other Italian company. It cannot be said, however, that it has particularly excelled for innovation in design, because all its most famous models, also if they often are better quality than the originals, always show in a clear manner a high rate of imitation of the stylistic features of other brands models. Despite this, the quality of the [[OMAS]] production, the ability to create imitations that are better than the originals, and in particular the refinement of its celluloid models makes this brand one of the most sought after by collectors. {{Infobox_Brand|Omas}}{{BrandData|Founder=Armando Simoni|Place=Bologna|Date=1925|Country=IT|Fullname=Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni}}
During its history [[OMAS]] made some considerable technical innovations and always had a very high production quality, making pens that were probably the best in the Italian production. And also if their more famous model are almost always showing a clear imitation of the stylistic characteristics of foreign models, they were often more beautiful and better quality than the originals. The absolute quality of the [[OMAS]] production, and the refinement of the celluloid used by this brand, makes [[OMAS]] pens among the most sought after by collectors.
== History ==
[[Image:1936-Omas-Lucens-2.jpg|upright|right|thumb|100px|A [[Lucens]] advertisement]]
[[Image:1936-Omas-Lucens-2.jpg|upright|right|thumb|100px|A [[Lucens]] advertisement]]
[[OMAS]] was founded in Bologna in 1925 by Armando Simoni. In 1919, Simoni, just married, opened a workshop in Via S. Vitale producing film reels and [[safety|safeties]] mechanisms.<ref>there is a registration for the ''Officine Meccaniche di Precisione Simoni Armando'' in 1922.</ref> Shortly Simoni began to produce spare parts for the most important fountain pen brands. They had a considerable success and customer demands grew making the activity expand, so a whole pens productions began. This early years models, not marked [[OMAS]] were [[hard rubber]] pens with [[safety]] or [[lever filler]], made as a clear imitation of [[Waterman]] models.
[[OMAS]] was founded in 1925 in Bologna by ''Armando Simoni'', but it was from [[1919]] that Simoni, just married, had opened a workshop in Via S. Vitale where he produced film reels and mechanisms for [[safety]] pens.<ref>in [[1922]] there is a registration for the ''Officine Meccaniche di Precisione Simoni Armando''.</ref> Briefly the workshop began to produce pieces and parts for fountain pens of the leading companies. Having obtained considerable success, customer demand grew, and Simoni started expanding the company and also began to produce whole pens. These early years models are hard rubber [[lever filler]] or [[safety]] pens, made as a clear imitation of the [[Waterman]] models.
[[Image:Omas-PennaDelDottore-Capped.jpg|thumb|left|A [[penna del dottore]] ]]
But it was only in 1925, when the construction of the factory in Via degli Orbi was completed that ''Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni'' was born, and the acronym [[OMAS]] become the brand under which fountain pens were marketed. The first [[OMAS]] major model was the ''[[Modelli iniziali OMAS|Penna del dottore]]'', patented in 1927. It was a [[lever filler]] hard rubber model having a compartment inside the barrel that contained, in addition to the filling mechanism, a thermometer to measure temperature, kept separate from the rest by a metal partition. In the same year [[OMAS]] got another patent for the metal joint used for the realization of desk pens, for which the company was one of the main Italian producers.
[[Image:Omas-PennaDelDottore-Capped.jpg|thumb|left|A "[[penna del dottore]]"]]
The [[OMAS]] initial production is characterized by some [[button filler]] [[Flat top]] models, that were a clear imitations of the [[Duofold]]. But some of these sported original technical solutions, like the second version of the ''[[Modelli iniziali OMAS|Penna del dottore]]'' in which the thermometer was again hosted by the body of the pen, or the ''[[Modelli iniziali OMAS|penna del calligrafo]]'', directed to the use by calligraphers, which was equipped with a special section that can be unscrewed and replaced, allowing an easy nib change.
But it was only in [[1925]], after having completed the construction of its own factory in Via degli Orbi, that ''Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni'' were create, whose acronym, [[OMAS]], will become the brand used for the marketed fountain pens. The first relevant model produced by [[OMAS]] was the "[[penna del dottore]]", patented in [[1927]], was an hard rubber [[lever filler]] model with a compartment located inside the barrel of the pen that contained in addition to the sac and the lever mechanism, a thermometer for measuring the fever, kept separate from the rest by a metal partition. The same year Simoni patented the metal joint used for the construction of the [[OMAS]] desk pens, for which the company becomes one of the leading Italian manufacturers.
In this early period there is trace of some [[Parker]] models ([[Duofold]] and [[Thrift Time]]) marked ''Geo. S. Parker - fabbricato in Italia'' whose production is attributed to [[OMAS]]. There is a debate about these pens, whether they are a real production on [[Parker]] commission, made to circumvent the restrictions by the autarkic policies of the fascist regime, or it is a semi-official production ordered by the [[Parker]] agent for Italy, Edoardo Webber, which was facing a supply shortage, or whether it really was a clandestine (and illegal) production. As there are no documents, and no other findings than proof of a subsequent relationships between Simoni and Webber for the production of [[Saratoga]] fountain pen, there is any definitive conclusion.
The initial [[OMAS]] production of is characterized by various [[Flat top]] [[button filler]] models, clear imitations of the [[Duofold]]. However some of these models were characterized by original technical solutions, as for the second version of the "[[penna del dottore]]" in which again the thermometer was hosted by the body of the pen, or as for the "[[penna del calligrafo]]", which was equipped with a special section that could be easily unscrewed, allowing an easy the change of the nib type, which was directed towards the use by calligraphers.
[[OMAS]] was between first Italian companies to move production to celluloid between the late '20s and early '30s. The company produced its fountain pen in classic colors as jade green or lapis blue as well as other interesting variations of marbled colors. Among this early celluloid production some pens stand out, similar to the previous [[Duofold]] imitations, but with tapered ends, probably born in the early 30s years with the establishment of the ''[[streamlined]]'' style; only a few examples of this production are known. The start of production for [[Minerva]] branded pens can be traced back more or less to this period. This was the only official [[Omas]] sub-brand,<ref>these are the only pens marketed directly by [[OMAS]], although there are many other productions, often directly derived from [[Minerva]] models, known to be made by [[Omas]] on behalf of other companies, as the production for [[Ercolessi]], the [[Saratoga]] or the [[Scotland]] and perhaps also the [[Nettuno Superba]], and double pen models like the [[Itala]] and the [[Zerollo]].</ref> dedicated to second tier pens production, that nevertheless were of excellent quality.
[[Image:Omas-FlatTop-Serie-Capped.jpg|thumb|Series of early ''[[flat top]]'' [[Duofold]] style models]]
[[Image:Omas-Extra-Arco.jpg|right|thumb|An [[Omas Extra]] in [[arco]] celluloid]]
In this same time period there is a presence in Italy of some [[Parker]] models ([[Duofold]] and [[Thrift Time]]) marked ''"Geo. S. Parker - made in Italy"'' whose production is attributed to [[OMAS]]. There is a debate about these pens, whether if this can be considered a real production commissioned by the [[Parker]], to circumvent the restrictions imposed by the autarkic policies of the fascist regime, or if it is a semi-official production commissioned by the [[Parker]] agent for Italy, Edoardo Russo Webber, who was facing a supply shortage, or if it is indeed a clandestine (and illegal) production. As there are no documents, nor other findings than those of later interactions from Webber and Simoni for the production of the [[Saratoga]] pens, it's impossible to come to any definite conclusion.
The turning point in the [[OMAS]] production was in 1932, when the pen that remained for decades one of the brand flagship models, the [[Omas Extra|Extra]], was introduced. It was a [[lever filler]] made using a multifaceted celluloid, decorated with a wide band on the cap, engraved with a greek shaped pattern. The pen was produced in four different sizes and launched with the slogan ''creazione di artista e di scienziato''<ref>meaning ''creation by artist and scientist''.</ref> that was accompanied by an extensive advertising campaign.  
[[OMAS]] between the first Italian companies to switch to [[celluloid]] in the late '20s or early '30s, producing its fountain pens as well as in the classic colors like green jade or lapis lazuli and also interesting variation of marbled colors. Between the production of this time there are some celluloid pens, with cap and clip similar to that used in the previous [[Duofold]] imitations, but having instead tapered ends. These were probably born in the early '30s, following the establishment of the ''[[streamlined]]'' style, and only a couple of samples are known. More or less in this period can be traced back the production beginning of the [[Minerva]] branded pens, the only real [[OMAS]] sub-brand,<ref>there are many pens that are known as made by [[OMAS]] on behalf of other companies, often directly derived from [[Minerva]] models; between them there are productions for the [[Ercolessi]], the [[Saratoga]] or [[Scotland]] brands, and perhaps also the [[Nettuno Superba]], there are also attributions to [[OMAS]] for the production of some particular models, as the [[Itala]] and, almost certainly wrong, the [[Zerollo]], but the only pens marketed directly by the company and appearing in its catalogs are the [[Minerva]] ones.</ref> dedicated to the production of second-tier but not less than excellent quality.
Although [[Omas Extra|Extra]] was very similar to the [[Eversharp]] [[Doric]], introduced a few months before, it is still controversial whether it is an imitation, since the time between the two pens is rather short. [[OMAS]] estimators point out that given the short time between the release of two pens, it would not possible to create production facilities if the [[Omas Extra|Extra]] was a [[Doric]] imitation. but there is no information supporting this claim, and many evidence of the company abit to imitate american models. Whether the [[Omas Extra|Extra]] can be considered an imitation or not, for its materials, quality and workmanship, it is at the same level, if not better, than the models which it may have been inspired. The pen was an huge success and remained in production until 1946, albeit with minor stylistic changes, like the introduction of a smooth version and the substitution of the wide band with three tiny rings.
[[File:Omas-Extra-Band-ArcoGrey-OS-Capped.jpg|right|thumb|An [[Omas Extra]] in [[arco]] celluloid]]
[[Image:Lucens-VestPocket-Extended.jpg|left|thumb|A [[Lucens]] model]]
The real turning point in the [[OMAS]] production happened in [[1932]], when it introduced what is was for several decades one of the top models of the company, the [[Omas Extra]], made of faceted celluloid, a  [[lever filler]] model with a very large cap band, decorated with a greek pattern. The pen was produced in four different sizes and launched with the slogan ''the creation of an artist and a scientist'', and it was accompanied by a very extensive advertising campaign.
In 1936 was introduced and patented a new model, the [[Lucens]], with an original (for Italy), loading system, called ''[[stantuffo tuffante]]''.<ref>meaning ''diving piston''.</ref> The mechanism is essentially identical to the one used by [[Dunn]] about 15 years earlier, although it is not possible to determine whether it was a copy or an original independent creation. Despite this the [[Lucens]] is one of the most beautiful pens ever made, especially for the beauty of the different kind of semi-transparent celluloid used to made it, giving a direct view of the ink level.
Although the [[Omas Extra]] is very similar to [[Doric]], introduced a few months earlier, the question whether it is an imitation is still controversial, since the elapsed time is rather short. The [[OMAS]] fans argue that, given the short time between the release of the two pens, it would not have been possible to create production facilities if the [[Omas Extra]] had been a [[Doric]] imitation, but there is no information to support this statement while there are ample confirmation for the [[OMAS]] tendency to imitate American models. Regardless of whether it can be considered an imitation or not the [[Omas Extra]] for its quality of materials and workmanship, can be considered of equivalent, if not higher, quality than the model to which it may be have inspired. The pen also had a huge success and remained in production until [[1946]], albeit with minor stylistic changes, such as creating a smooth version and the transition to a decorative three-ring instead of the greek band.
Initially produced only in the smooth version, the [[Lucens]] was soon joined by the [[Extra Lucens]] made with the same multifaceted body of the [[Omas Extra|Extra]], but with the new loading system. In 1938 the previous wheel clip (very similar to the [[Doric]] one) was replaced by an arrow shaped clip, a clear imitation of that used by [[Parker]] with the [[Vacumatic]] model. The [[Vacumatic]] imitation was even more evident for a substantially identical engraving of the nib (with an arrow drawing). Despite these imitations the [[Extra Lucens]] is superior from any point of view (technical, aesthetic and for manufacturing quality) than any [[Vacumatic]] and it's probably the best model produced by [[OMAS]].
[[File:Omas-Lucens-Rings-MarbledTansp-VestPocket-Extended.jpg|left|thumb|A small [[Lucens]] couple]]
[[Image:ExtraLucens-VestPocket-BlackVeined-Set-Box.jpg|thumb|An [[Extra Lucens]] ]]
In [[1936]] a new model, the [[Lucens]], was patented and launched, using, at least for Italy production, a new type of filling system called ''"[[stantuffo tuffante]]"''. In fact the mechanism is almost the same of the one used by [[Dunn]] 15 years before; but it is not possible to determine whether it is a copy or an independent realization. Nevertheless the [[Lucens]] constitutes one of the most beautiful fountain pens ever realized, in particular for the beauty of celluloids, equipped with transparent sections for viewing ink.
With the progress of World War II came also a shortage of raw materials, particularly for gold nib, and like most of the European companies [[OMAS]] had to resort to some steel alloy. The one used by [[OMAS]] was called ''[[Permanio]]'', and was advertised as having a better durability even when compared to gold. But this alloy proved to be one of the most susceptible to corrosion, and today  ''[[Permanio]]'' nibs are very rare and have a much higher value of their analogues in gold.  
Made initially onlu in the in smooth round  version, the [[Lucens]] was joined immediately by [[Extra Lucens]], havingfaceted body like the [[Omas Extra|Extra]], but still using the ''"[[stantuffo tuffante]]"'' filling system. In [[1938]] the wheel clip (very similar to the [[Doric]] one) was replaced by an arrow shaped clip, a clear imitation of the one introduced by the [[Parker]] with the [[Vacumatic]]. The imitation even more evident by the presence of a  arrow engraving of the nib, almost identical to the [[Vacumatic]] one. Also the greek band cap decoration was replaced by three thin rings. Despite the imitations [[Extra Lucens]] is a pen without a doubt superior in all aspects (technical, aesthetic and manufacturing quality) to any [[Vacumatic]] and probably is the best model ever produced by [[OMAS]].  
After the war [[OMAS]] resumed production with a change of style, producing pens with a new ogival shape, and adopting the [[piston filler]]. In 1946 the [[Omas Extra|Extra]] line was completely restyled, the wheel clip was maintained, but were used three ring on the cap as decoration, and the filling system was changed to  [[piston filler]], with a transparent section for ink level display. They were produced in three sizes, small, medium and large, identified respectively by the numbers [[Omas 55x|555]], [[Omas 55x|556]] and [[Omas 55x|557]].
[[File:Omas-ExtraLucens-BlackVeined-VestPocket-Set-Box.jpg|thumb|An [[Extra Lucens]]]]
[[Image:1959-Omas-361.jpg|left|thumb|200px|An [[Omas 361|361]] advertising]]
With the World War II progress raw materials began to become scarce and to replace gold for nibs, as the majority of European companies, [[OMAS]] had to resort to use some steel alloy. The company named it ''[[Permanio]]'', and declared the it would be better even than gold. In fact just this kind alloy proved, amongs many other used for nibs, to be one of the most susceptible to corrosion, so that today ''[[Permanio]]'' nibs are rare and have a much higher value of their analogues in gold.
In 1948 [[OMAS]] made one of the most significant invention in the world of the Italian fountain pen production, the [[Omas 361|361]] model. This pen was the answer to the [[Parker 51]] success. The originality of this more is in the central position of the nib, mounted along pen axis, protected by a rotating cover left open on one side. Depending on the position of the open side, the nib can be almost completely covered over the top, resulting in a rigid writing, or left wide open, allowing a flexible writing. This system was very functional, allowing bot firm and flexible writing, and it seems that [[Parker]] tried several times to acquire its patent from [[OMAS]].
After the war production resumed with new ogival pens and the transition to [[piston filler]]. In [[1946]] the [[Omas Extra|Extra]] line was completely restyled, the wheel clip was maintained but  were used three rings on the cap. Also the [[piston filler]] was adopted and  a transparent section for viewing ink level was introduced. Three sizes were maintained: small, medium and large, identified respectively with the numbers [[Omas 55x|555]], [[Omas 55x|556]] and [[Omas 55x|557]].  
[[Image:Omas-Grigie-Capped.jpg|thumb|A group of [[Omas]] gray pens]]
[[Image:1959-Omas-361.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Advertising for an [[Omas 361|361]] ]]
The [[Omas 361|361]] introduction led to a number of new features both in the stylistic and technical aspects, because for its production were adopted the new ogival lines, with a single decorative ring on the cap and the [[piston filler]] was used as filling system for all the [[OMAS]] production excepted the [[Extra Lucens]] who stayed with the ''[[stantuffo tuffante]]'', arrow clip and three rings on the cap, remaining in production  for all the '50s, produced without the two-tone nib, and only in medium and large sizes and all black color.  
In [[1948]] it was made what is perhaps the most significant invention in the Italian fountain pen production, the [[Omas 361|361]] model. Born as a response for the success of [[Parker 51]], the originality of the pen is in the central position of the nib, mounted on the axis of the pen, around which is placed an hood open by one side. Depending on the side of use of the pen, when the nib is almost completely covered it will give a rigid
writing, and when it is left uncovered, it will allow a flexible writing. It was very functional grading system, so that it is told that the [[Parker]] tried several times to acquire the patent ({{Cite patent|US|2565667}}) from [[OMAS]].
Two special models, the  [[Omas 35x|351]] and [[Omas 35x|352]] were introduced about the 1950 and remained in production for a very short time. These pens and extremely rare, and almost impossible to find. They were [[piston filler]] but the body was made by gluing alternate sections of transparent and colored celluloid, to achieve an extraordinary result of transparent barrel in alternating sections.
[[File:Omas-Models-GraySerie-Capped.jpg|thumb|A group of different gray [[Omas]] pens]]
During the same period the [[Omas 361|361]] ogival shapes were adopted also for the other models, with the introduction of the [[Lucens|Lucens Ogiva]] and new versions of the [[Omas Extra|Extra]] (referred as [[Omas 55x|555/S]], [[Omas 55x|556/S]] e [[Omas 55x|557/S]]). These pen were built in celluloid, with a red or yellow transparent window, with some variants equipped with metal caps. But also the traditional multifaceted shapes were kept, both for the [[Omas 361|361]] for the new ''Extra'' series with new models called [[Omas 55x|555/F]], [[Omas 55x|556/F]] and [[Omas 55x|557/F]].  
The introduction of [[Omas 361|361]] led to a series of novelty even on the stylistic side other than in the technical one. For its production were used the new ogival shapes, and also cap decoration passed to a single band, and the [[piston filler]] was adopted, which was used for all the production except the [[Extra Lucens]] who stayed with the ''"[[stantuffo tuffante]]"'', the arrow clip and the three rings on the cap, remaining in production, without double color nibs, in all black and in medium and large sizes for all the '50s.  
Negli anni successivi la produzione della [[OMAS]] proseguì, con la realizzazione di penne stilografiche in celluloide con [[caricamento a stantuffo]]. L'azienda produsse nuovi modelli coma la [[Omas VS|VS]] e la [[OMAS CS|CS]]. Con la morte di Armando Simoni nel 1958 però non vennero prodotte significative innovazioni, anche se negli ultimi decenni sono stati introdotti diversi modelli, cercando di inseguire la fascia alta del mercato e degli oggetti di lusso, riportando anche in produzione alcuni modelli in celluloide simili a quelli degli anni '30. L'azienda è ancora oggi presente sul mercato, pur essendo passata di mano dagli eredi di Simoni per essere prima ceduta prima alla [ Luis Vuitton] e poi alla cinese [ Xinyu Hengdeli].
It should also mentioned two models introduced about [[1950]] and remained in production for a short time, the [[Omas 35x|351]] and [[Omas 35x|352]]. These pens are very rare and hard to find, they have faceted shape and [[piston filler]] and they barrel was made by gluing alternating sections of transparent and colored celluloid, so as to achieve an outstanding result of a transparent tank in alternating sections.  
In the same period of the [[Omas 361|361]] ogival shaped were adopted for other models and led to the [[Lucens|Lucens Ogiva]] and new ogival versions of the old [[Omas Extra|Extra]] model (called [[Omas 55x|555/S]], [[Omas 55x|556/S]] and [[Omas 55x|557/S]]), These were celluloid made with a red or yellow transparent window, and there were also variants with metal cap. The faceted forms were also kept, for both the [[Omas 361|361]] and the new '' Extra'' series with models denominated  [[Omas 55x|555/F]], [[Omas 55x|556/F]] and [[Omas 55x|557/F]].
| 1925 || Nascita della [[OMAS]]
| 1927 || Viene brevettata la ''Penna del dottore''
| 1932 || Introdotto il modello [[Omas Extra|Extra]]
| 1934 || Introdotto il modello [[Minerva Classica]]
| 1936 || Introdotti i modelli [[Lucens]] ed  [[Lucens|Extra Lucens]] con caricamento a [[stantuffo tuffante]]
| 1936 || Sostituita la vera con tre anelli sul cappuccio sulla [[Omas Extra|Extra]] tonda
| 1938 || Introdotta la clip a freccia sul modello [[Extra Lucens]]
| 1940 || Introdotti i pennini in ''[[Permanio]]''
| 1940 || Sostituita la vera con tre anelli sul cappuccio sulla [[Extra]] faccettata
| 1946 || Ristilizzato il modello [[Omas Extra|Extra]], sostituito dalla [[Omas 55x|nuova versione]] a [[caricamento a stantuffo|stantuffo]]
| 1948 || Introdotto il modello [[Omas 361|361]], ristilizzati i modelli [[Omas 55x|Extra]]
| 1950 || Introdotti i modelli [[Omas 35x|351]] e [[Omas 35x|352]]
In the following years [[OMAS]] production continued with the construction of [[piston filler]] celluloid pens. The company produced new models like the [[Omas VS|VS]] and the [[OMAS CS|CS]]. With the death of Armando Simoni in [[1958]] no more significant innovations were produced, although in the following decades the company introduced many [[Produzione Omas dagli anni '60|different models]], trying to chase first the economy tier and the the high end of the market. The company changed hands from the Simoni heirs and was sold first to [ Luis Vuitton] and then to the Chinese [ Xinyu Hengdeli] remaining active until March 2016, when it ceased activities.
| [[Omas Extra|Extra]] || 1932 || XX, ?
| [[Lucens]] || 1936 || XX, ?
| [[Omas 361|361]] || 1948 || XX, ?
== External references ==
* [] History section from the dead official website
* [] Presentation of some old collections with some history info
* [] Article on [[Duofold]] like models (no data on the affirmed [[Parker]]-[[Omas]] relatio)
* [] Article with some historic info
* [] Article with some historic info
== Notes ==
==Riferimenti esterni==
* Sito ufficiale dell'azienda, irrilevante per le informazioni storiche
* Articolo con qualche informazione storica
*  Articolo con qualche informazione storica
* Interessante articolo sui modelli tipo [[Duofold]]
* Altro articolo sui modelli tipo [[Duofold]]
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