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Riga 11: Riga 11:  
|Note_it={{Datazione|guess}} dall'anno in cui Drisaldi assunse la rappresentanza della [[Waterman]]. Pubblicizza una [[Advertised Model::Waterman 1x|1x]] con [[caricamento a contagocce]] ed una [[Advertised Model::Waterman 2x|2x]]  con cappuccio conico (''[[tapered cap]]''). Stesso tema di [[:File:1913-Waterman-Ideal-Taper-2.jpg]]. {{ContribBy|A.Dabbene}}
|Note_en={{Dating|guess}} from year when Cav. Drisaldi became the [[Waterman]] agent in Italy. Advertising for an [[eyedropper filler]] [[Waterman 1x|1x]] model and a ''[[tapered cap]]'' [[Waterman 2x|2x]] model. Same theme of [[:File:1913-Waterman-Ideal-Taper-2.jpg]].  
|Note_it={{Datazione|guess}} dall'anno in cui Drisaldi assunse la rappresentanza della [[Waterman]]. Pubblicizza una [[Advertised Model::Waterman 1x|1x]] con [[caricamento a contagocce]] ed una [[Advertised Model::Waterman 2x|2x]]  con cappuccio conico (''[[tapered cap]]''). Simile a [[:File:1913-Waterman-Ideal-Taper-2.jpg]]. {{ContribBy|A.Dabbene}}
|Note_en={{Dating|guess}} from year when Cav. Drisaldi became the [[Waterman]] agent in Italy. Advertising for an [[eyedropper filler]] [[Waterman 1x|1x]] model and a ''[[tapered cap]]'' [[Waterman 2x|2x]] model. Similar to [[:File:1913-Waterman-Ideal-Taper-2.jpg]].  

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