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(Creata pagina con "For this reason, the text to be inserted in the page must have the following form, which can be copied directly taking care to modify with the correct data the parts after the...")
Riga 1: Riga 1:
For this reason, the text to be inserted in the page must have the following form, which can be copied directly taking care to modify with the correct data the parts after the character "=" (the rest must remain identical so as not to spoil the operation of the template that manages the information):
For this reason, the text to be inserted in the page must have the following form, which can be copied directly from here taking care to modify with the correct data the parts after the character "=" (the rest must remain identical so as not to spoil the operation of the template that manages the information):

Versione attuale delle 01:57, 9 lug 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Aiuto:Biografie)
Per questo motivo il testo da inserire nella pagina deve avere la forma seguente, che può essere copiata direttamente da qui avendo cura di modificare con i dati corretti le parti dopo il carattere "=" (il resto deve restare identico per non rovinare il funzionamento del template che gestisce le informazioni): 
|Nome=Nome e cognome 
|Nato=Luogo, Data/Anno di nascita (la virgola deve separare il luogo dalla data)
|Morto=Luogo, Data/Anno di morte (opzionale)
|Riassunto=Breve descrizione riassuntiva (massimo una riga)
|Fonte=Origine della biografia (nome e cognome dell'autore della stessa)
|Biografia=Testo della biografia,
TraduzioneFor this reason, the text to be inserted in the page must have the following form, which can be copied directly from here taking care to modify with the correct data the parts after the character "=" (the rest must remain identical so as not to spoil the operation of the template that manages the information):
|Nome=First name and surname
|Nato=Place, Date/Year of birth (comma must separate place from date)
|Morto=Place, Date/Year of Death (optional)
|Riassunto=Short summary description (maximum one line)
|Fonte=Origin of the biography (name and surname of the author of the biography)
|Biografia=Text of the biography,

For this reason, the text to be inserted in the page must have the following form, which can be copied directly from here taking care to modify with the correct data the parts after the character "=" (the rest must remain identical so as not to spoil the operation of the template that manages the information):

|Nome=First name and surname
|Nato=Place, Date/Year of birth (comma must separate place from date)
|Morto=Place, Date/Year of Death (optional)
|Riassunto=Short summary description (maximum one line)
|Fonte=Origin of the biography (name and surname of the author of the biography)
|Biografia=Text of the biography,