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(Creata pagina con "For this reason it was decided to start a collection of measures of the actual ink capacity of pens, but for a measure to qualify as such (and not be reduced to a simple state...")
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Versione delle 16:37, 31 mar 2020

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Definizione del messaggio (Capacità dei sistemi di caricamento)
==Metodo di misura==
Per questo si è deciso di iniziare una raccolta di misure della effettiva capacità di inchiostro delle penne, ma perché una misura sia qualificabile come tale (e non si riduca ad un semplice enunciato), deve essere ripetibile, pertanto oltre ai risultati della stessa, deve essere dettagliata anche la metodologia utilizzata per ottenerla.
TraduzioneFor this reason it was decided to start a collection of measures of the actual ink capacity of pens, but for a measure to qualify as such (and not be reduced to a simple statement), it must be repeatable, so in addition to the results of the same, the methodology used to obtain it must also be detailed.

For this reason it was decided to start a collection of measures of the actual ink capacity of pens, but for a measure to qualify as such (and not be reduced to a simple statement), it must be repeatable, so in addition to the results of the same, the methodology used to obtain it must also be detailed.