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[[Image:1927-07-GoldStarry.jpg|thumb|A 1927 [[Gold Starry]] advertising]]
[[Image:1927-07-GoldStarry.jpg|thumb|A 1927 [[Gold Starry]] advertising]]
Le origini della [[Gold Starry]] si fanno risalire al [[1909]] quando ''Maurice Jandelle'' iniziò la commercializzazione in Francia con il marchio ''Gold Star'' di penne della [[Conway Stewart]]. Questo marchio però era già stato depositato per cui nel [[1912]] venne trasformato in [[Gold Starry]], con una scelta che rimarcava le origini inglesi delle penne, che vennero commercializzate fino al [[1919]]. Le prime penne commercializzate dalla [[Gold Starry]] erano delle [[rientranti]] in ebanite nera o marmorizzata. I primi modelli, introdotti all'incirca nel [[1913]], erano stilografiche a [[caricamento a contagocce|contagocce]] o [[safety]], identificate da due cifre (modelli [[Goldstarry 36 e 39|36]] e [[Goldstarry 36 e 39|39]]), che indicavano il prezzo in franchi.  
''Gold Starry'' origins can be traced back to [[1909]] when ''Maurice Jandelle'' began marketing [[Conway Stewart]] fountain pens in France, under the ''Gold Star'' brand name. That trademark however had already been registered, so in [[1912]] it was transformed into ''Gold Starry'', with a choice to remark the English origin of the fountain pens, which were marketed until [[1919]]. The first pens sold by the ''Gold Starry'' were hard rubber black or marbled safeties. First models were introduced around the [[1913]], were [[eyedropper filler]] or [[safety]], identified by two digits (models [[Goldstarry 36 and 39|36]] e [[Goldstarry 36 e 39|39]]), indicating the price in francs.  
At the beginning of the '20s ''Paul Jeanvrin'' and ''André Petit'' began a fountain pens production in a pavilion on the outskirts of Paris. In [[1921]] the two joined ''Maurice Jandelle'' and the [[Gold Starry]] was established as a wholly-owned French company, starting its own fountain pens production and stopping the import of English pens. With manufacturing in France, the company adopted the slogan ''"the stylo qui marche"'', meaning both the dynamism than the reliability of their pens.   
At the beginning of the '20s ''Paul Jeanvrin'' and ''André Petit'' began a fountain pens production in a pavilion on the outskirts of Paris. In [[1921]] the two joined ''Maurice Jandelle'' and the ''Gold Starry'' was established as a wholly-owned French company, starting its own fountain pens production and stopping the import of English pens. With manufacturing in France, the company adopted the slogan ''"le stylo qui marche"'', meaning both the dynamism than the reliability of their pens.   
Le prime penne erano con pennini in oro e corpo in ebanite nera o marmorizzata, e con [[caricamento a contagocce]] e senza fermaglio. Nel [[1925]] vennero introdotti i modelli [[Goldstarry 25x|256]] e [[Goldstarry 25x|257]] con caricamento [[safety]], caratterizzati dal marchio di fabbrica costituito da una stella, dall'incisione ''Manifacture Francaise'' sul corpo e da delle verette punteggiate sulla cima del cappuccio. Le penne erano sempre senza clip, che venne introdotta sul successivo modello [[Goldstarry 25x|254]]. Nel [[1927]] venne introdotto un modello con [[caricamento a levetta]].  
The first pens had were gold nibs and  black or marbled hard rubber body, [[eyedropper filler]] with no clip. In [[1925]] were introduced [[Goldstarry 25x|256]] and [[Goldstarry 25x|257]] Loaded [[safety]] models, characterized by the trademark consisting of a star, the ''Manifacture Francaise'' engraving on the barrel and some dotted rings on the cap top. The pens were still without clip, which was introduced on the following model [[Goldstarry 25x|254]]. From this time (it's described in a December 1925 [[:File:1925-12-Science-et-Vie-p586.jpg|article]]) also a model with a peculiar filling system, a [[safety]] with pump filling, that show some links with England industries (the patent, {{Cite patent|FR|574169}}, is English, from a person that worked for [[Lang]]). In [[1927]] was introduced a [[lever filler]] model.  
La [[Gold Starry]] fu una delle primi ditte francesi ad utilizzare la [[celluloide]] ottenendo penne colorate di ottima qualità con colori vivaci, dotate di finiture placcate e pennini in oro, in grado di competere con le penne americane di importazione. Nel [[1929]] circa i modelli precedenti vennero dismessi e venne lanciata una nuova gamma in [[celluloide]] nei colori nero, rosso e nero marmorizzato, blu lapislazzulo, rosso cardinale, verde giada e diaspro. Vennero inoltre realizzate penne in oro massiccio.  
''Gold Starry'' was one of the first French companies to use the [[celluloid]] getting excellent quality colored pens with vibrant colors and with gold plated finish and gold nibs, able to compete with imported American pens. Around [[1929]] the earlier models were discontinued and a new range of [[celluloid]] pens was launched, in black, red and white marble, lapis blue, cardinal red, green jade and jasper. There were also made ​some solid gold pens.  
Nel [[1931]], con la ricerca di un sistema di riempimento che consentisse una maggiore capacità di inchiostro, venne prodotto un particolare modello, la [[Rapex]], con [[caricamento a torsione]], che però ebbe poco successo per la delicatezza del sistema, ed è pertanto piuttosto rara. Nel [[1933]] a ''Maurice Jandelle'' subentrò ''M. Perouse'', un dirigente della ditta ''Viala Lilliput'' che produceva penne di lusso in oro e argento smaltato, che vennero realizzate anche dalla [[Gold Starry]]. Inoltre con l'affermarsi dello stile ''[[streamlined]]'' introdotto dalla [[Balance]] negli anni '30 anche la produzione della [[Gold Starry]] passò dalle forme squadrate degli anni '20 a linee affusolate. Restava distintivo del marchio la clip, di forma scalettata e terminante a freccia.
In [[1929]],<ref>in the references is reported the 1931, but [[:File:1929-11-GoldStarry-Rapex.jpg|this advertisement]] allows to backdate the introduction at least to 1929, the year in which the relevant patent was applied for in Germany ({{Cite patent|FR|691384}}), even though it was granted in France only in 1930.</ref> with the search for a filling system that would allow a greater ink capacity, a particular model, the [[Rapex]], was produced, with an original filling system (see patent {{Cite patent|FR|691384}}) driven by the rotation of a bottom knob. The pen however had little success for the delicacy of the system, and therefore is rather rare. In [[1933]] in ''Maurice Jandelle'' was replaced by '' M. Perouse'', an executive of the company ''Viala Lilliput'', producer of luxury pens in gold and silver enamel, which were also made ​​by the ''Gold Starry''. In addition, with the emergence of the ''[[streamlined]]'' style introduced by [[Balance]], in the '30s the production of the ''Gold Starry'' passed from square shapes of the 20s to sleek lines. There remained the distinctive mark of the clip, jagged shaped and ending in a arrow.
Durante la guerra l'azienda subì le ovvie difficoltà affrontate anche da tutte le concorrenti, con forse l'aggravante di dover sostenere un marchio anglofono. Nel dopoguerra la produzione venne aumentata, a scapito purtroppo della qualità, che rimase comunque accettabile, ma non all'altezza del periodo migliore dell'azienda. Come gli altri produttori la [[Gold Starry]] subì pesantemente la crisi dovuta all'introduzione della penna a sfera, a cui cercò di reagire con la costruzione di stilografiche con [[caricamento a cartuccia]] e partecipando nel [[1959]] al consorzio per la produzione della [[Visor Pen]].   
During the war the company suffered from the obvious difficulties faced by all competitors, with perhaps the aggravation of having to support an English brand name. After the war, production was increased at the expense of quality, that was acceptable, but not up to the best time of the company. Like other producers ''Gold Starry'' suffered heavily the crisis from the ballpoint pen introduction, which it tried to react by building cartridge fountain pens and participating in [[1959]] to the consortium for the production of the [[Visor Pen]].   
La [[Gold Starry]] riuscì ad andare avanti e a superare il periodo di crisi con la differenziazione della produzione, lanciandosi sul mercato degli accessori da ufficio di lusso (con calendari, regoli, tagliacarte) prodotti in metallo placcato oro. Inoltre una linea di penne a sfera di lusso, sempre in metallo placcato, riscosse un notevole successo. L'azienda però subì pesantemente gli effetti dovuti al blocco imposto sul prezzo dell'oro, che quando cessò rese troppo cari i suoi prodotti, mandandola fuori mercato. Nonostante tutti gli sforzi nel [[1980]] la [[Gold Starry]] chiuse definitivamente i battenti.
The ''Gold Starry'' was able to move forward and overcome the crisis period with the differentiation of the production, going in the market of luxury office  accessories (with calendars, rulers, letter openers) produced in gold-plated metal. In addition, a line of luxury ball-point pens, always gold plated, had a remarkable success. The company, however, suffered heavily from the effects due to the blockade imposed on the gold price, which made its products too expensive then when it ceased sent it off market. Despite all the efforts in [[1980]] ''Gold Starry'' closed its doors.
===Riferimenti esterni===
==External references==
* [] Page about the company in a disused site
* [] Page about the company in a disused site
* [] Information from the site about the history of Saint-Leu-la-Forêt
{{BrandData|Founder=Maurice Jandelle|Place=Parigi|OrigDate=1909|Date=1912|Country=FR|Closing=1980}}
{{BrandData|Founder=Maurice Jandelle|Place=Parigi|OrigDate=1909|Date=1912|Country=FR|Closing=1980}}
{{CategorizeBrand|Francia|Secondary brand}}</noinclude>
[[Category:Secondary brand]]</noinclude>

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