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Riga 1: Riga 1:
In addition to black hard rubber [[Dunn]] produced also [[bakelite]] pens with a transparent barrel (though most of the transparent models were later made in [[celluloid]]) boasting (rightly) of being the only transparent pen (with the model named [[Camel Tatler]]) to display the ink level, and a good 10 years before the [[Vacumatic]]. Are also known to exists, but to be very rare, some metal [[overlay]] pens.
In addition to black [[hard rubber]], Dunn produced pens with transparent barrel; these were initially made in [[bakelite]] and later in [[celluloid]]. This feature allowed it to boast (rightly) to be the only transparent pen (in the ads showing the [[Camel Tatler]] model) to display the ink level, and this well 10 years before the [[Vacumatic]]. Are also known to exists, but to be very rare, some metal [[overlay]] pens.

Versione attuale delle 01:00, 16 giu 2021

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Definizione del messaggio (Dunn)
Oltre all'ebanite nera la ''Dunn'' produsse penne dotate di corpo trasparente; queste vennero inizialmente realizzate in [[bachelite]] ed in un secondo tempo in [[celluloide]]. Questa caratterista le permise di vantarsi (a ragione) di essere l'unica penna trasparente (nelle pubblicità che mostrano il modello denominato [[Camel Tatler]]) a visualizzare il livello di inchiostro, e questo ben 10 anni prima della [[Vacumatic]]. Sono note anche, ma molto rare, anche penne prodotte con [[overlay|rivestimenti]] in metallo.
TraduzioneIn addition to black [[hard rubber]], Dunn produced pens with transparent barrel; these were initially made in [[bakelite]] and later in [[celluloid]]. This feature allowed it to boast (rightly) to be the only transparent pen (in the ads showing the [[Camel Tatler]]  model) to display the ink level, and this well 10 years before the [[Vacumatic]]. Are also known to exists, but to be very rare, some metal [[overlay]] pens.

In addition to black hard rubber, Dunn produced pens with transparent barrel; these were initially made in bakelite and later in celluloid. This feature allowed it to boast (rightly) to be the only transparent pen (in the ads showing the Camel Tatler model) to display the ink level, and this well 10 years before the Vacumatic. Are also known to exists, but to be very rare, some metal overlay pens.