Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations:Levetta di fondo/2/en"

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(Creata pagina con "In essence the ''bottom lever filler'' creates a sort of combination between the principle of the lever and the mechanism used in the button filler. In this case the lever...")
Riga 1: Riga 1:
In essence the ''bottom lever filler'' creates a sort of combination between the principle of the lever and the mechanism used in the [[button filler]]. In this case the lever is very short and positioned on a slot made on the bottom of the pen, the lever must be raised from its resting position, in which it is folded inside the bottom, and at that point pushing it further you go to operate an internal pressure bar similar to those used in the [[button filler]], which arching compresses the sac.
In essence the ''top lever filler'' creates a sort of combination between the principle of the lever and the mechanism used in the [[button filler]]. In this case the lever is very short and positioned on a slot made on the bottom of the pen, the lever must be raised from its resting position, in which it is folded inside the bottom, and at that point pushing it further you go to operate an internal pressure bar similar to those used in the [[button filler]], which arching compresses the sac.

Versione attuale delle 16:36, 23 ago 2021

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Definizione del messaggio (Levetta di fondo)
In sostanza il caricamento a ''levetta di fondo'' realizza una sorta di incrocio fra il principio della leva ed il meccanismo usato nel caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]]. In questo questo caso la levetta è molto corta e posizionata su una fessura praticata sul fondo della penna, la leva deve essere alzata dalla sua posizione di riposo, in cui è ripiegata dentro il fondello, ed a quel punto spingendola ulteriormente si va ad azionare una barra di pressione interna analoga a quelle usate nel caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]], che inarcandosi comprime il serbatoio.
TraduzioneIn essence the ''top lever filler'' creates a sort of combination between the principle of the lever and the mechanism used in the [[button filler]]. In this case the lever is very short and positioned on a slot made on the bottom of the pen, the lever must be raised from its resting position, in which it is folded inside the bottom, and at that point pushing it further you go to operate an internal pressure bar similar to those used in the [[button filler]], which arching compresses the sac.

In essence the top lever filler creates a sort of combination between the principle of the lever and the mechanism used in the button filler. In this case the lever is very short and positioned on a slot made on the bottom of the pen, the lever must be raised from its resting position, in which it is folded inside the bottom, and at that point pushing it further you go to operate an internal pressure bar similar to those used in the button filler, which arching compresses the sac.