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Versione delle 02:30, 6 mar 2024

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Definizione del messaggio (Maruzen)
Nel [[1919]] ''Maruzen'' lancia sul mercato quella che sarà la linea di stilografiche più longeva della sua storia, la ''"[[Athena]] The Pen"'' (diventata poi semplicemente [[Athena]]). Le primissime [[Athena]] prodotte erano in ebanite nera cesellata con caricamento a contagocce oppure a contagocce retrattili (tipo safety pen) e successivamente vennero prodotte anche a caricamento con sacchetto d'inchiostro a torsione ed a levetta. Della metà degli anni trenta sono le [[Athena Rinascimento]], in ebanite liscia solitamente rivestita di uno strato di lacca ''[[urushi]]'', caricamento a levetta o a contagocce.
Il [[1937]] è l'anno in cui ''Maruzen'' rileva la fabbrica nella quale fino ad allora venivano realizzate le penne a loro marchio ed inizia così la produzione in proprio.
TraduzioneIn [[1919]] Maruzen launched what would be the longest-running fountain pen line in its history, the ''"[[Athena]] The Pen"'' (which later became simply [[Athena]]). The very first [[Athena]] produced were black chased hard rubber pens with either eyedropper filler or security eyedropper (safety pen type) and later were also produced twist filler and lever filler fountain pens. From the mid-1930s are the [[Athena Renaissance]], made of smooth ebonite usually coated with a layer of ''[[urushi]]'' lacquer, made with twist filler or eyedropper filler.
The [[1937]] is the year when ''[[Maruzen]]'' took over the factory in which their branded pens had been made until then and thus began their own production.

In 1919 Maruzen launched what would be the longest-running fountain pen line in its history, the "Athena The Pen" (which later became simply Athena). The very first Athena produced were black chased hard rubber pens with either eyedropper filler or security eyedropper (safety pen type) and later were also produced twist filler and lever filler fountain pens. From the mid-1930s are the Athena Renaissance, made of smooth ebonite usually coated with a layer of urushi lacquer, made with twist filler or eyedropper filler. The 1937 is the year when Maruzen took over the factory in which their branded pens had been made until then and thus began their own production.