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Versione attuale delle 02:31, 6 mar 2024

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Definizione del messaggio (Maruzen)
Al termine della guerra viene costruito un nuovo stabilimento vicino a Tokyo (il precedente era andato distrutto dagli eventi bellici) e le stilografiche della linea [[Athena]], negli anni ’50, subiscono un nuovo restyling: affiancate alle classiche in ebanite e lacca ''[[urushi]]'', vi sono quelle realizzate in [[celluloide]] colorata oppure in plastica trasparente, ed i cappucci iniziano ad essere realizzati in metallo dorato o nichelato.
TraduzioneAt the end of the war, a new factory was built near Tokyo (the previous one had been destroyed by the war events), and fountain pens in the [[Athena]] line underwent a new restyling in the 1950s: alongside the classic ebonite and lacquer ''[[urushi]]''' fountain pens, there were those made of colored [[celluloid]] or transparent plastic, and the caps began to be made of gold or nickel-plated metal.

At the end of the war, a new factory was built near Tokyo (the previous one had been destroyed by the war events), and fountain pens in the Athena line underwent a new restyling in the 1950s: alongside the classic ebonite and lacquer urushi' fountain pens, there were those made of colored celluloid or transparent plastic, and the caps began to be made of gold or nickel-plated metal.