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Versione delle 00:23, 9 dic 2011

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Definizione del messaggio (Soennecken)
La [[Soennecken]] è stata fondata nel 1875, e nasce come produttore di pennini e calamai. Essa è uno dei più importanti produttori storici di stilografiche della Germania e viene considerata generalmente come la prima azienda tedesca ad aver realizzato delle penne stilografiche, che figuravano già in un suo catalogo del [[1890]], avendo iniziato la produzione nel [[1887]].<ref>almeno secondo quanto affermato in [[:File:1925-05-Papierhandler-Soennecken-50th-p02.jpg|questo articolo]] di celebrazione del cinquantenario dell'azienda.</ref>
TraduzioneThe [[Soennecken]] was founded in 1875, and born as a manufacturer of pens and inkwells. It is one of the most important historical producers of fountain pens in Germany and is widely regarded as the first German company to have made fountain pens that were already included in his catalog of 1890.

The Soennecken was founded in 1875, and born as a manufacturer of pens and inkwells. It is one of the most important historical producers of fountain pens in Germany and is widely regarded as the first German company to have made fountain pens that were already included in his catalog of 1890.