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Versione delle 14:56, 12 feb 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Stiassi e Tantini)
Le origini dell'azienda sono fra le più antiche e presso la Camera di Commercio di Bologna la ditta ''Stiassi e Tantini'' risulta essere stata fondata nel [[1919]] (17/12/1919) da ''Giuseppe Tantini'' e ''Giorgio Stiassi'' con scopo sociale il ''Commercio di articoli di cancelleria e carta da scrivere'' e sede in via Combusti 5 e via Nazario Sauro 1 a Bologna.<ref>le informazioni relative a questo marchio sono state reperite principalmente dal testo ''La storia della stilografica in Italia, II volume'' di Letizia Iacopini, e dalle fonti ivi citate.</ref>
TraduzioneThe company's origins are between the oldest ones in Italy and at the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna the company appears to have been founded as ''Stiassi e Tantini'' in 1919 (12/17/1919) by ''Giuseppe Tantini'' and ''Giorgio Stiassi'' having a corporate purpose as ''Commercio di articoli di cancelleria e carta da scrivere'' (stationery and paper commerce). It was based in "via Combusti 5" and "via Nazario Sauro 1", in Bologna.<ref>information about this brand were found mainly by the second volume of ''La storia della stilografica in Italia'' by Letizia Iacopini, and in the sources cited therein.</ref>

The company's origins are between the oldest ones in Italy and at the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna the company appears to have been founded as Stiassi e Tantini in 1919 (12/17/1919) by Giuseppe Tantini and Giorgio Stiassi having a corporate purpose as Commercio di articoli di cancelleria e carta da scrivere (stationery and paper commerce). It was based in "via Combusti 5" and "via Nazario Sauro 1", in Bologna.[1]

  1. information about this brand were found mainly by the second volume of La storia della stilografica in Italia by Letizia Iacopini, and in the sources cited therein.