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Versione delle 00:57, 9 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Conway Stewart)
L'azienda continuò a mantenere la sua politica di produrre stilografiche di buona qualità ad un prezzo modico facendo ricorso a metodi tradizionali e ben consolidati, ma se nella prima metà degli anni '50 una penna a levetta con pennino e cappuccio a vite era soltanto un po' fuori moda, ma perfettamente funzionale, nella seconda metà degli anni '50 e negli anni successivi diventò sempre più arretrata ed incapace di trovare un suo spazio sul mercato, di fronte a penne a sfera usa e getta dai prezzi molto più bassi, contro le quali l'azienda non era in grado di competere, e l'impossibilità di caratterizzare le sue stilografiche, pur sempre degli oggetti economici, come un oggetto distintivo o di moda.
TraduzioneThe company maintained its policy to produce good quality modest priced fountain pens using traditional and well established methods. But if in the first half of the '50s an economic [[lever filler]] fountain pen with a screw cap was just a little old-fashioned, but perfectly functional, in the second half of the '50s and in later years it became more and more backward and unable to find a place on the market, faced by disposable ballpoint pens sold at much lower prices, against which the company was unable to compete not having the ability to characterize his products, alway placed in the lower end of the market, as distinctive or fashion objects.

The company maintained its policy to produce good quality modest priced fountain pens using traditional and well established methods. But if in the first half of the '50s an economic lever filler fountain pen with a screw cap was just a little old-fashioned, but perfectly functional, in the second half of the '50s and in later years it became more and more backward and unable to find a place on the market, faced by disposable ballpoint pens sold at much lower prices, against which the company was unable to compete not having the ability to characterize his products, alway placed in the lower end of the market, as distinctive or fashion objects.