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Versione delle 01:22, 28 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Montegrappa)
Fra la fine degli anni '20 e l'inizio degli anni '30 vennero introdotti i [[Montegrappa celluloide|primi modelli]] in [[celluloide]], con caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]], in seguito affiancato dal [[caricamento a levetta]]. Inizialmente questi vennero affiancati ai modelli in ebanite per poi sostituirli. Inoltre la produzione venne differenziata, utilizzando il marchio ''Elmo'' alle penne economiche di fascia bassa, mentre il marchio ''Montegrappa'' veniva impiegato sulle penne di maggior pregio.
TraduzioneBetween the late '20s and early '30s were introduced the first celluloid models, the first ones were equipped with a [[button filler]] but later also a [[lever filler]] was used. Initially these were matched to the in hard rubber models and then they replaced them. Moreover the production was also differentiated, using the ''Elmo'' brand to mark the low end economic pens, while the ''Montegrappa'' brand was used for the top level pens.

Between the late '20s and early '30s were introduced the first celluloid models, the first ones were equipped with a button filler but later also a lever filler was used. Initially these were matched to the in hard rubber models and then they replaced them. Moreover the production was also differentiated, using the Elmo brand to mark the low end economic pens, while the Montegrappa brand was used for the top level pens.