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Versione delle 19:48, 1 apr 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Onoto)
La nuova penna venne chiamata semplicemente [[Onoto]]. L'origine del nome della penna è incerta e ne esistono diverse versioni. C'è chi lo fa risalire a ''Ono Tokusaburo'', un produttore di orologi giapponese i cui progetti erano stati usati per la precedente ''Onostyle'', c'é chi sostiene che venne scelto per la sua semplicità e perché facile da pronunciare e con lo stesso suono in molte lingue diverse. La potenza finanziaria dell'azienda consentì comunque un lancio in grande stile del marchio ''Onoto'', e la penna ebbe un grandissimo successo, tanto che in breve tempo venne chiamata ''Onoto the Pen''.
TraduzioneThe new pen was called simply [[Onoto]]. That name origin is uncertain and there are different theories. Some people date it back to ''Tokusaburo Ono'', a Japanese watch manufacturer whose projects were used for the previous ''Onostyle'' pen, some others say it was chosen for its simplicity and because it is easy pronounced and with the same sound in many different languages. The financial strength of the company allowed a big launch of the new brand, and the new fountain pen was a huge success, so that in a short time was called: ''Onoto The Pen.''

The new pen was called simply Onoto. That name origin is uncertain and there are different theories. Some people date it back to Tokusaburo Ono, a Japanese watch manufacturer whose projects were used for the previous Onostyle pen, some others say it was chosen for its simplicity and because it is easy pronounced and with the same sound in many different languages. The financial strength of the company allowed a big launch of the new brand, and the new fountain pen was a huge success, so that in a short time was called: Onoto The Pen.