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Versione delle 15:42, 2 apr 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Osmia)
Ma per suo prestigio, conquistato dall'[[Osmia]] grazie alla qualità delle sue penne, il marchio venne mantenuto a lungo anche dopo la completa acquisizione da parte della [[Faber-Castell]]. Esso scomparve soltanto agli inizi degli anni '60, quando la crisi derivata dal successo della penna a sfera spinse la [[Faber-Castell]] a produrre modelli più economici. {{BrandData|Founder=Hermann Böhler|Place=Dossenheim|Date=1919|Country=DE|Fullname=Böhler und Cie}}{{Infobox_Marca|Osmia}}
== Storia ==
Traduzione[[Osmia]] had been one of the leading German fountain pens manufacturers, and because the prestige of the brand, due to the absolute quality of his pens, the name was maintained for a long time after the complete acquisition by [[Faber-Castell]]. It disappeared only in the early '60s, when the crisis derived from the success of the ballpoint pen pushed [[Faber-Castell]] to produce cheaper models. Fountain pen production ceased definitively in 1975 when [[Faber-Castell]], during a corporation restructuring, eliminated this area to focus on its other activities, restarting production recently, when the interest on fountain pens began to rise again.{{Infobox_Brand|Osmia}}

Osmia had been one of the leading German fountain pens manufacturers, and because the prestige of the brand, due to the absolute quality of his pens, the name was maintained for a long time after the complete acquisition by Faber-Castell. It disappeared only in the early '60s, when the crisis derived from the success of the ballpoint pen pushed Faber-Castell to produce cheaper models. Fountain pen production ceased definitively in 1975 when Faber-Castell, during a corporation restructuring, eliminated this area to focus on its other activities, restarting production recently, when the interest on fountain pens began to rise again.

Brand pages
Brand advertising
Brand photos
Instructions sheet
Other documents
