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Versione delle 13:15, 14 apr 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Stilus)
L'azienda venne fondata dal Dr. ''Emilio Pecco'' a Torino, con sede in via Cibrario 12 e denominazione ''Pecco e C. Stilus'', anche se su alcuni modelli successivi (come sul quello in [[celluloide]] qui riportato nella fotografia sottostante) si ritrova la dicitura ''FRATELLI PECCO'', ed in varie registrazioni di marchi varianti come ''Ditta F.lli Pecco'' o ''Ditta Pecco & C. fabbrica di penne stilografiche''. Il marchio ''Stilus'' venne comunque depositato nel 1919 ({{Marchio|18555}}) ed è stato mantenuto come riferimento costante della produzione per tutta la vita dell'azienda.
TraduzioneThe company was founded by Dr. ''Emilio Pecco'' in Turin based in Via Cibrario 12, with the name ''Pecco and C. Stilus'', although on some later models (like the one in celluloid, here shown in the photo below) we find a different name as ''FRATELLI PECCO'' (Pecco brothers). Others names were ''Ditta F.lli Pecco'' or ''Ditta Pecco & C. fabbrica di penne stilografiche'' as found in some trademark registration. The ''Stilus'' brand however was registered in 1919 ({{Marchio|18555}}) and was maintained as a constant reference throughout the production life of the company.

The company was founded by Dr. Emilio Pecco in Turin based in Via Cibrario 12, with the name Pecco and C. Stilus, although on some later models (like the one in celluloid, here shown in the photo below) we find a different name as FRATELLI PECCO (Pecco brothers). Others names were Ditta F.lli Pecco or Ditta Pecco & C. fabbrica di penne stilografiche as found in some trademark registration. The Stilus brand however was registered in 1919 (Reg. Gen. N. 18555) and was maintained as a constant reference throughout the production life of the company.