Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations:Bayard/2/en"

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(Creata pagina con 'Bayard is a major historic French fountain pen brand; the company was founded in 1922 and has continued operations until the '60s when, as most historical producers, was t...')
m (FuzzyBot ha spostato la pagina Translations:Stylo Bayard/2/en a Translations:Bayard/2/en senza lasciare redirect: Part of translatable page Stylo Bayard.)

Versione attuale delle 21:04, 10 ago 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Bayard)
La [[Bayard]] è una delle principali marche storiche francesi, l'azienda venne fondata nel 1922 ed ha proseguito nell'attività fino agli anni '60 quando, come la gran parte delle dei produttori storici di stilografiche, è rimasta stritolata dalla rivoluzione della penna a sfera.
Traduzione[[Bayard]] is a major historic French fountain pen brand; the company was founded in 1922 and has continued operations until the '60s when, as most historical producers, was taken down by the revolution of the ballpoint pen.

Bayard is a major historic French fountain pen brand; the company was founded in 1922 and has continued operations until the '60s when, as most historical producers, was taken down by the revolution of the ballpoint pen.