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(Creata pagina con '''The Scotland'' branded pen have a very high general quality, in par with the production of the more famous Italian producer of that time. Because the short live of the brand...')
(Nessuna differenza)

Versione delle 16:23, 1 gen 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (The Scotland)
Le penne marchiate ''The Scotland'' sono in generale di ottima qualità, alla pari con quella dei migliori produttori della stessa epoca, inoltre, dato il periodo di vita piuttosto breve del marchio, sono anche abbastanza rare, cosa che le rende di elevato interesse collezionistico. 
{{Infobox_Marca|The Scotland}}{{BrandData|Founder=Giuseppe Tantini, Giorgio Stiassi|Place=Bologna|Country=IT|Fullname=The Scotland Pen Italiana}}
== Storia ==
</noinclude>[[Image:Scotland-Prismatica-Open.jpg|thumb|Una [[Scotland]] [[Prismatica]]]]
Traduzione''The Scotland'' branded pen have a very high general quality, in par with the production of the more famous Italian producer of that time. Because the short live of the brand, these pens are quite rare, and so highly sought by collectors.{{Infobox_Brand|The Scotland}}
</noinclude>[[Image:Scotland-Prismatica-Open.jpg|thumb|A [[Scotland]] [[Prismatica]]]]

The Scotland branded pen have a very high general quality, in par with the production of the more famous Italian producer of that time. Because the short live of the brand, these pens are quite rare, and so highly sought by collectors.

The Scotland
Brand photos
