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Versione delle 16:26, 1 gen 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (The Scotland)
La storia del marchio [[The Scotland]] è piuttosto molto incerta, nel [[1920]] i due soci della ''Stiassi e Tantini'' fondarono la ''A.S.C.A.'' (''Azienda Specializzata in Cancelleria ed Affini'') e registrarono la ditta ''The Scotland Pen Italiana'' presso la Camera di Commercio di Bologna, presumibilmente in forza delle forti tendenze esterofile presenti sul mercato italiano della penna stilografica, che all'epoca videro nascere numerosi marchi con denominazioni anglosassoni. Non è nota una data specifica per l'inizio della produzione, che si presume comunque originare agli anni '20.
TraduzioneThe history of the [[The Scotland]] brand is still very uncertain. In 1920 the two ''[[Stiassi e Tantini]]'' members founded also ''A.S.C.A.'', acronym of ''Azienda Specializzata in Cancelleria ed Affini'' (meaning ''Company Specialized in Stationery and Related''), and registered the company name ''The Scotland Pen Italiana'' with the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna, presumably by virtue of the strong anglophiles trends in the Italian market, which at the time saw many brands using english names. There are no know information about when production was effectively started, but it's generally assumed to be in the '20s.

The history of the The Scotland brand is still very uncertain. In 1920 the two Stiassi e Tantini members founded also A.S.C.A., acronym of Azienda Specializzata in Cancelleria ed Affini (meaning Company Specialized in Stationery and Related), and registered the company name The Scotland Pen Italiana with the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna, presumably by virtue of the strong anglophiles trends in the Italian market, which at the time saw many brands using english names. There are no know information about when production was effectively started, but it's generally assumed to be in the '20s.