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Versione delle 02:40, 18 feb 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Edacoto)
Le penne [[Edacoto]] sono caratterizzate da una qualità generale media ed anche se l'azienda non si è mai segnalata per particolari contributi innovativi o stilistici, la validità dei suoi prodotti ne ha garantito il successo e viene tutt'ora apprezzata dai collezionisti.{{Infobox_Marca|Edacoto}}{{BrandData|Founder=Jacques Bonhomme|Place=Parigi|Date=1910|Country=FR|Fullname=Edac}}
== Storia ==
TraduzioneThe [[Edacoto]] pens are characterized by a general average quality, and although the company has never been reported for special contributions or innovative styling, the validity of its products has ensured the success and is still popular with collectors.{{Infobox_Brand|Edacoto}}

The Edacoto pens are characterized by a general average quality, and although the company has never been reported for special contributions or innovative styling, the validity of its products has ensured the success and is still popular with collectors.

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