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(Creata pagina con "An exact date for the founding of the company with the same name created by Yves E. Zuber it is not known<ref>therefore we will use the 1921, registration date for the tradema...")
Riga 1: Riga 1:
An exact date for the founding of the company with the same name created by Yves E. Zuber it is not known<ref>therefore we will use the 1921, registration date for the trademarkmark, as foundation date.</ref> whose activities originate at the end of the first World War, with offices and factory in Paris on Rue Neuve des Boulet, 34-36 and in the Rue de Nice, 2 and later on Avenue Martin Moreau, 45 that was active on the market in the molding and assembly of metal parts, as bag hooks or clips and nibs for fountain pens.
An exact date for the founding of the company created by ''Yves E. Zuber'' is not known<ref>therefore we will use the 1921, registration date for the trademark, as foundation date.</ref> but its activities originates at the end of the first World War, with offices and factory in Paris on Rue Neuve des Boulet, 34-36 and in the Rue de Nice, 2 and later on Avenue Martin Moreau, 45. The company was initially active on the market in the molding and assembly of metal parts, as bag hooks or clips and nibs for fountain pens.

Versione attuale delle 16:48, 26 lug 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Stylomine)
Non è nota una data precisa per la fondazione della azienda omonima creata da ''Yves E. Zuber'',<ref>pertanto si userà il 1921, data di registrazione del marchio, come data di fondazione.</ref> le cui attività originano alla fine della prima guerra mondiale, con uffici e fabbrica a Parigi in Rue Neuve des Boulet, 34-36 e in Rue de Nice, 2 ed in seguito in Avenue Martin Moreau, 45 e presente sul mercato nello stampaggio e assemblaggio di parti metalliche come ganci per borse e fermagli e pennini di stilografiche.
TraduzioneAn exact date for the founding of the company created by ''Yves E. Zuber'' is not known<ref>therefore we will use the 1921, registration date for the trademark, as foundation date.</ref> but its activities originates at the end of the first World War, with offices and factory in Paris on Rue Neuve des Boulet, 34-36 and in the Rue de Nice, 2 and later on Avenue Martin Moreau, 45. The company was initially active on the market in the molding and assembly of metal parts, as bag hooks or clips and nibs for fountain pens.

An exact date for the founding of the company created by Yves E. Zuber is not known[1] but its activities originates at the end of the first World War, with offices and factory in Paris on Rue Neuve des Boulet, 34-36 and in the Rue de Nice, 2 and later on Avenue Martin Moreau, 45. The company was initially active on the market in the molding and assembly of metal parts, as bag hooks or clips and nibs for fountain pens.

  1. therefore we will use the 1921, registration date for the trademark, as foundation date.