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Versione delle 19:23, 18 ott 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Météore)
I primi modelli della [[Météore]] erano penne in ebanite nera o marmorizzata, con [[caricamento a contagocce]] o [[safety]], analoghe a quelle degli altri produttori francesi della stessa epoca, a cui si aggiunsero in seguito modelli con [[caricamento a levetta]]. La prima penna chiaramente associabile alla marca venne introdotta nel 1922, era caratterizzata dalla incisione del marchio [[Météore]] sul cappuccio, decorato con una vera bianca alla sommità e con una estremità della levetta a forma a trifoglio. I pennini erano sovente marcati con le iniziali (''D & D'') dei fondatori. In questo periodo vennero prodotte stilografiche in ebanite [[safety]] o [[caricamento a levetta|a levetta]] in misura da uomo e da donna. Nomi dei modelli di questo periodo sono [[Zodiac]] e [[Prompto]].
TraduzioneThe [[Météore]] first models were black or marbled  hard rubber [[eyedropper]] or [[safety]] pens, similar to those of other French manufacturers of the same era, to which they added later[[lever filler]] models. The first pen clearly associated with the brand was introduced in 1922, was characterized by incision of the [[Météore]] name on the cap, decorated also with a white ring at the top, and had the lever end in the form of a shamrock. The nibs were often marked with the initials (D and D) of the founders. In this period were produced [[safety]] or [[lever filler]] ebonite fountain pens in two dimensions for both men and women. Model names of this period are Zodiac and Prompto.

The Météore first models were black or marbled hard rubber eyedropper or safety pens, similar to those of other French manufacturers of the same era, to which they added laterlever filler models. The first pen clearly associated with the brand was introduced in 1922, was characterized by incision of the Météore name on the cap, decorated also with a white ring at the top, and had the lever end in the form of a shamrock. The nibs were often marked with the initials (D and D) of the founders. In this period were produced safety or lever filler ebonite fountain pens in two dimensions for both men and women. Model names of this period are Zodiac and Prompto.