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Versione delle 22:17, 25 ott 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Gold Starry)
All'inizio degli anni '20 ''Paul Jeanvrin'' e ''André Petit'' iniziarono una produzione di stilografiche in un padiglione alla periferia di Parigi. Nel [[1921]] i due si associarono a ''Maurice Jandelle'' e la ''Gold Starry'' venne fondata come azienda a capitale totalmente francese, iniziando la produzione in proprio di proprie stilografiche e cessando l'importazione della produzione inglese. Con la fabbricazione in Francia l'azienda adottò lo slogan ''"le stylo qui marche"'', ad indicare sia il dinamismo che l'affidabilità delle proprie penne.
TraduzioneAt the beginning of the '20s ''Paul Jeanvrin'' and ''André Petit'' began a fountain pens production in a pavilion on the outskirts of Paris. In [[1921]] the two joined ''Maurice Jandelle'' and the [[Gold Starry]] was established as a wholly-owned French company, starting its own fountain pens production and stopping the import of English pens. With manufacturing in France, the company adopted the slogan ''"the stylo qui marche"'', meaning both the dynamism than the reliability of their pens.

At the beginning of the '20s Paul Jeanvrin and André Petit began a fountain pens production in a pavilion on the outskirts of Paris. In 1921 the two joined Maurice Jandelle and the Gold Starry was established as a wholly-owned French company, starting its own fountain pens production and stopping the import of English pens. With manufacturing in France, the company adopted the slogan "the stylo qui marche", meaning both the dynamism than the reliability of their pens.