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Versione delle 14:25, 20 dic 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Kosca)
La filiale italiana era diretta da una delle quattro figlie di ''Christian Schaefer'' (''Margarete Schaefer'') che estese ed ampliò con grande successo la produzione oltre alle stilografiche ed alle matite meccaniche, anche ad oggetti in oro e argento come cornici, portacenere, posate speciali, e poi gioielli come gemelli, orecchini e ciondoli, alcuni su marca propria ed altri per grandi gioiellieri. Un altro figlio di ''Christian Schaefer'', ''Walter Schaefer'', diresse una filiale (solo commerciale) in Argentina durante il periodo in cui visse un quel paese (all'incirca dal 1935 al 1950).
TraduzioneBut there is also a German company in Pforzheim in Germany, called ''Kohler & Schaefer'' which holds several patents related to fountain pens and other writing instruments, for which it is not known any relationship with the Milanese company (if the parent or other). But the possibility that these were two completely independent companies with the same name composed of two identical surnames (''Kohler & Schaefer'' also appears in the records of Italian brands) is considered very unlikely.

But there is also a German company in Pforzheim in Germany, called Kohler & Schaefer which holds several patents related to fountain pens and other writing instruments, for which it is not known any relationship with the Milanese company (if the parent or other). But the possibility that these were two completely independent companies with the same name composed of two identical surnames (Kohler & Schaefer also appears in the records of Italian brands) is considered very unlikely.