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Versione delle 02:22, 30 dic 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Goldfink)
Il marchio ''Goldfink'' è rimasto sul mercato all'incirca dal 1910 al 1960; non si tratta di una azienda produttrice di stilografiche, quanto della produzione fatta realizzare da una grossa catena di negozi di cancelleria, con sede centrale a Berlino in Friedrichstraße 77, una delle principali vie del centro.
TraduzioneThe [[Goldfink]] brand remained on the market around from 10s to 60s. It does not come from a fountain pens manufacturer, instead the production was contracted to third parties by a large chain of stores selling stationery, headquartered in Berlin Friedrichstrasse 77, one of the main streets of downtown.

The Goldfink brand remained on the market around from 10s to 60s. It does not come from a fountain pens manufacturer, instead the production was contracted to third parties by a large chain of stores selling stationery, headquartered in Berlin Friedrichstrasse 77, one of the main streets of downtown.