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(Creata pagina con "Having foreseen the effects of the success of the ballpoint pen, in the 50s the Haro changed market sector, focusing on the production of paper and stationery. The company...")
(Nessuna differenza)

Versione delle 17:29, 1 gen 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Haro)
Avendo previsto gli effetti del successo della penna a sfera negli anni '50 la ''Haro'' cambiò settore di mercato, concentrandosi sulla produzione di carta e articoli di cancelleria. L'azienda esiste ancora ed è gestita dai figli del fondatore.
TraduzioneHaving foreseen the effects of the success of the ballpoint pen, in the 50s the [[Haro]] changed market sector, focusing on the production of paper and stationery. The company still exists and is run by the founder's sons.

Having foreseen the effects of the success of the ballpoint pen, in the 50s the Haro changed market sector, focusing on the production of paper and stationery. The company still exists and is run by the founder's sons.