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Versione delle 00:55, 9 gen 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (KWG)
Nel [[1928]] vennero risolte le controversie con la [[Parker]] per l'uso del caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]], e vennero introdotti quattro nuovi modelli in [[celluloide]] della serie ''"U"'' della [[Aurumia|Aurumia Original]], dove, in mancanza di un marchio migliore, era stata usata la lettera ''"U"'' che probabilmente stava ad indicare la iniziale di ''unbreakable''.  Venne introdotta anche una nuova linea, la [[Meisterklasse|Aurumia Meisterklasse]] più costosa. Di nuovo i modelli riscossero un buon successo ed alla fine dell'anno gli impianti funzionavano a pieno regime e riuscendo a malapena a soddisfare le richieste.
TraduzioneIn [[1928]] were resolved disputes with [[Parker]] for the use of [[button filler]], and were introduced four new celluloid models in for the [[Arumia|Arumia Original]] ''U'' series, where had been used a letter in the absence of a better brand, probably to indicate the initial for ''unbreakable''. Was also introduced a new line, the [[Meisterklasse|Arumia Meisterklasse]], more expensive. New models met with great success and at the end of the year the plants were operating at full capacity, and barely able to meet the demands.

In 1928 were resolved disputes with Parker for the use of button filler, and were introduced four new celluloid models in for the Arumia Original U series, where had been used a letter in the absence of a better brand, probably to indicate the initial for unbreakable. Was also introduced a new line, the Arumia Meisterklasse, more expensive. New models met with great success and at the end of the year the plants were operating at full capacity, and barely able to meet the demands.