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Versione delle 14:58, 25 gen 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Ercolessi)
Il marchio ''E. E. Ercolessi'' nasce dalle attività commerciali di ''Edgardo Ercolessi'' e della moglie Elvira, che nel [[1921]] fondarono una attività di rivendita di materiale da scrittura con due importanti negozi nelle vie centrali di Milano. Non si tratta quindi propriamente di una azienda produttrice di stilografiche, e non sarebbe quindi corretto annoverarlo fra i produttori, ma dato che questo marchio è stato utilizzato per coprire una produzione molto ampia, effettuata dalle principali aziende costruttrici italiane, si è ritenuto opportuno trattarlo esplicitamente.
Traduzione{{Infobox_Brand|Ercolessi}}</noinclude>The [[Ercolessi|E. E. Ercolessi]] brand comes from the commercial activities of ''Edgardo Ercolessi'' and his wife Elvira, who in [[1921]] founded a writing materials resale activity with two major shops in the central streets of Milan. So it is not strictly a fountain pens manufacturer, and would therefore not be correct count him among the producers, but since this brand has been used to cover a very wide production, performed by leading Italian manufacturers, it was considered appropriate to treat it explicitly.
Brand advertising
Brand photos

The E. E. Ercolessi brand comes from the commercial activities of Edgardo Ercolessi and his wife Elvira, who in 1921 founded a writing materials resale activity with two major shops in the central streets of Milan. So it is not strictly a fountain pens manufacturer, and would therefore not be correct count him among the producers, but since this brand has been used to cover a very wide production, performed by leading Italian manufacturers, it was considered appropriate to treat it explicitly.