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(Creata pagina con "</noinclude>The brand Plexor was used to market in France the Parker production of at the time of World War II, when the use of an American brand became highly problem...")
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Versione delle 13:18, 25 feb 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Plexor)
</noinclude>Con il marchio [[Plexor]] venne commercializzata in Francia la produzione della [[Parker]] al tempo della seconda guerra mondiale, quando l'uso di un marchio anglosassone divenne altamente problematico in una situazione di conflitto aperto. La produzione viene ricondotta alle attività di Fernand Laureau che produceva le [[Parker]] in Francia, sotto licenza. Non è chiaro per quanto tempo il marchio sia stato mantenuto, né se la produzione fosse davvero eseguita dalla casa madre o svolta indipendentemente dalla filiale francese. Viene comunque riportato da una pubblicità francese che le penne con questo marchio erano prodotte dall'agente francese per conto della [[Parker]].
Traduzione</noinclude>The brand [[Plexor]] was used to market in France the [[Parker]] production of at the time of World War II, when the use of an American brand became highly problematic in a situation of open conflict. It is not clear how long the brand has been maintained, nor if the production was really done by the parent company or independently conducted by the French branch. But it's reported by a French advertising with this brand were produced by the agent on behalf of the French [[Parker]].

The brand Plexor was used to market in France the Parker production of at the time of World War II, when the use of an American brand became highly problematic in a situation of open conflict. It is not clear how long the brand has been maintained, nor if the production was really done by the parent company or independently conducted by the French branch. But it's reported by a French advertising with this brand were produced by the agent on behalf of the French Parker.