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Versione delle 17:42, 1 mar 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Platinum)
Pur non contraddistinguendosi sul piano storico per particolari innovazioni tecniche o stilistiche, le penne della ''Platinum'' sono sempre state di ottima qualità, inoltre l'azienda è stata comunque la prima ad introdurre nell'industria giapponese la produzione con plastica ad iniezione, fin dal primo dopoguerra.{{Infobox_Marca|Platinum}}{{BrandData|Founder=Syunichi Nakata|Date=1919|Place=Tokyo|Country=JP|Fullname=Nakaya Seisakusho}}
== Storia ==
TraduzioneWhile not know on his history for particular technical or stylistic innovations, the [[Platinum]] pens have always been of excellent quality, and the company was still the first to introduce in the Japanese industry the manufacturing with plastic injection, since the first post-war period. {{Infobox_Brand|Platinum}}
== History ==

While not know on his history for particular technical or stylistic innovations, the Platinum pens have always been of excellent quality, and the company was still the first to introduce in the Japanese industry the manufacturing with plastic injection, since the first post-war period.

Brand photos
