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Riga 1: Riga 1:
The ''Fratelli Cavaliere'' it's best known for the production of the beautiful [[overlay]]s made on behalf of [[Waterman]], for which the company officially became the producer in the years around 1931/32,<ref>following wat said by Letizia Iacopini [http://xoomer.virgilio.it/leiacopi/waterman_fset.htm here].</ref> wich are among the finest of that period.
The ''Fratelli Cavaliere'' it's best known for the production of the beautiful [[overlay]]s made on behalf of [[Waterman]], for which the company officially became the producer at least since [[1929]] (as it results from [[:File:1929-05-FratelliCavaliere-Invoice.jpg|this invoice]]), which are considered among the most refined of the time. Between [[1932]] and [[1934]]<ref>the last advertisement found that still reports  company Rag. D. Capra as agent is [[:File:1932-04-Waterman-Models.jpg|this one]] of April 1932, while the first relating to the new agent is [[:File:1934-03-Waterman-Cavaliere-9x.jpg|this one]] of March 1934.</ref> the Cavaliere brothers also become exclusive agents for Italy of [[Waterman]], with the passage the agents office to the new headquarters in Via Camperio 9. The management of the representation was carried out by Carlo and Giuseppe Cavaliere, while Aldo continued to follow the production activities.

Versione attuale delle 18:23, 7 feb 2022

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Definizione del messaggio (Fratelli Cavaliere)
La ''Fratelli Cavaliere'' comunque è nota soprattutto per la produzione dei bellissimi [[overlay|rivestimenti]] realizzati per conto della [[Waterman]], di cui l'azienda divenne ufficialmente il produttore almeno dal [[1929]] (come risulta da [[:File:1929-05-FratelliCavaliere-Invoice.jpg|questa fattura]]), che sono considerati fra i più raffinati dell'epoca. Fra il [[1932]] ed il [[1934]]<ref>l'ultima pubblicità rinvenuta che riporta ancora come concessionari la ditta Rag. D. Capra è [[:File:1932-04-Waterman-Models.jpg|questa]] dell'aprile 1932, mentre la prima relativa alla nuova rappresentanza è [[:File:1934-03-Waterman-Cavaliere-9x.jpg|questa]] del marzo 1934.</ref> i fratelli Cavaliere assunsero anche la rappresentanza esclusiva per l'Italia della [[Waterman]], con il passaggio della stessa alla nuova sede di via Camperio 9. La gestione della rappresentanza venne portata avanti da Carlo e Giuseppe Cavaliere, mentre Aldo continuò a seguire le attività produttive.
TraduzioneThe ''Fratelli Cavaliere'' it's best known for the production of the beautiful [[overlay]]s made on behalf of [[Waterman]], for which the company officially became the producer at least since [[1929]] (as it results from [[:File:1929-05-FratelliCavaliere-Invoice.jpg|this invoice]]), which are considered among the most refined of the time. Between [[1932]] and [[1934]]<ref>the last advertisement found that still reports  company Rag. D. Capra as agent is [[:File:1932-04-Waterman-Models.jpg|this one]] of April 1932, while the first relating to the new agent is [[:File:1934-03-Waterman-Cavaliere-9x.jpg|this one]] of March 1934.</ref> the Cavaliere brothers also become exclusive agents for Italy of [[Waterman]], with the passage the agents office to the new headquarters in Via Camperio 9. The management of the representation was carried out by Carlo and Giuseppe Cavaliere, while Aldo continued to follow the production activities.

The Fratelli Cavaliere it's best known for the production of the beautiful overlays made on behalf of Waterman, for which the company officially became the producer at least since 1929 (as it results from this invoice), which are considered among the most refined of the time. Between 1932 and 1934[1] the Cavaliere brothers also become exclusive agents for Italy of Waterman, with the passage the agents office to the new headquarters in Via Camperio 9. The management of the representation was carried out by Carlo and Giuseppe Cavaliere, while Aldo continued to follow the production activities.

  1. the last advertisement found that still reports company Rag. D. Capra as agent is this one of April 1932, while the first relating to the new agent is this one of March 1934.