Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations:Aiuto:Contribuisci/2/en"

(Creata pagina con "But before moving on to the instructions, an exhortation, don't be too scared by the possible complexity of things, and if you find yourself in trouble let go of the advanced...")
(2 versioni intermedie di uno stesso utente non sono mostrate)
Riga 1: Riga 1:
But before moving on to the instructions, an exhortation, don't be too scared by the possible complexity of things, and if you find yourself in trouble let go of the advanced syntax and details, and go ahead writing simple text or inserting images without too many complications, to become an expert takes time, and you are not alone, others can help you to complete or refine what you have undertaken. A possible starting point is to go on with the pages just sketched, collected under the page "[[:Category:Da Finire|To be finished]]".
But before moving on to the instructions, an exhortation, don't be too scared by the possible complexity of things, and if you find yourself in trouble let go of the advanced syntax and details, and go ahead writing simple text or inserting images without too many complications, to become an expert takes time, and you are not alone, others can help you to complete or refine what you have undertaken. A possible starting point is to go on with the pages just sketched; those are collected under the page "[[:Category:Da finire|To be finished]]".

Versione attuale delle 19:53, 15 dic 2018

Informazioni sul messaggio (contribuisci)
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Definizione del messaggio (Aiuto:Contribuisci)
Ma prima di passare alle istruzioni, una esortazione, non fatevi spaventare troppo dalla eventuale complessità delle cose, e se vi trovate in difficoltà lasciate perdere le sintassi evolute ed i dettagli, e andate avanti scrivendo del semplice testo o inserendo le immagini senza troppe complicazioni, a diventare esperti ci vuole tempo, e non siete da soli, altri potranno aiutarvi a completare o rifinire quello che avete intrapreso. Un possibile punto di partenza è andare avanti sulle pagine appena abbozzate, raccolte sotto la pagina "[[:Category:Da finire]]".
TraduzioneBut before moving on to the instructions, an exhortation, don't be too scared by the possible complexity of things, and if you find yourself in trouble let go of the advanced syntax and details, and go ahead writing simple text or inserting images without too many complications, to become an expert takes time, and you are not alone, others can help you to complete or refine what you have undertaken. A possible starting point is to go on with the pages just sketched; those are collected under the page "[[:Category:Da finire|To be finished]]".

But before moving on to the instructions, an exhortation, don't be too scared by the possible complexity of things, and if you find yourself in trouble let go of the advanced syntax and details, and go ahead writing simple text or inserting images without too many complications, to become an expert takes time, and you are not alone, others can help you to complete or refine what you have undertaken. A possible starting point is to go on with the pages just sketched; those are collected under the page "To be finished".