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Riga 1: Riga 1:
Still relating to [[1925]] is claimed the creation of an interchangeable nib group, and the production of pens with injection molding plastic parts. There are no clear documentation of these statements but in 1949 advertisement for a subsidiary dedicated to injection molding plastic parts production, there is a claim of more than 20 years experience in the field.
Still about [[1925]] it is claimed the creation of an interchangeable nib group, and the production of pens with injection molding plastic parts, two facts that will place the company ahead in both inventions. While the first claim is supported by a 1924 patent ({{Cite patent|GB|237472}}) there is no clear evidence about the second claim, but in a 1949 [[:File:1949-Mentmore-Plastic.jpg|advertisement]] for a subsidiary dedicated to production of injection molding plastic parts, there is a claim of more than 20 years experience in the field.

Versione attuale delle 16:24, 5 ago 2018

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Definizione del messaggio (Mentmore)
Sempre relativamente al [[1925]] viene riportata la creazione di un gruppo pennino intercambiabile, e la produzione di penne con parti in plastica realizzata con iniezione a stampo, due fatti che porrebbero l'azienda all'avanguardia su entrambe le invenzioni. Mentre per la prima affermazione esiste un brevetto del 1924 ({{Cite patent|GB|237472}}) che ne supporta la veridicità, per la seconda non vi sono evidenze certe ma in [[:File:1949-Mentmore-Plastic.jpg|una pubblicità]] del 1949 per una sussidiaria dedicata alla produzioni di parti in plastica ad iniezione, si proclama una esperienza più che ventennale nel campo.
TraduzioneStill about [[1925]] it is claimed the creation of an interchangeable nib group, and the production of pens with injection molding plastic parts, two facts that will place the company ahead in both inventions. While the first claim is supported by a 1924 patent ({{Cite patent|GB|237472}}) there is no clear evidence about the second claim, but in a 1949 [[:File:1949-Mentmore-Plastic.jpg|advertisement]] for a subsidiary dedicated to  production of injection molding plastic parts, there is a claim of more than 20 years experience in the field.

Still about 1925 it is claimed the creation of an interchangeable nib group, and the production of pens with injection molding plastic parts, two facts that will place the company ahead in both inventions. While the first claim is supported by a 1924 patent (nº GB-237472) there is no clear evidence about the second claim, but in a 1949 advertisement for a subsidiary dedicated to production of injection molding plastic parts, there is a claim of more than 20 years experience in the field.