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(Creata pagina con "Beyond the general indications applicable to any type of wiki managed with the MediaWiki program, for the structuring of the contents of this site have been adopted some gener...")
Riga 1: Riga 1:
Beyond the general indications applicable to any type of wiki managed with the MediaWiki program, for the structuring of the contents of this site have been adopted some general conventions, which must be followed in order to allow a proper use of the content.
Beyond the general indications applicable to any type of wiki managed with the MediaWiki program, for the structure of the contents of this site have been adopted some general conventions, which must be followed in order to allow a proper use of its content.

Versione attuale delle 19:55, 15 dic 2018

Informazioni sul messaggio (contribuisci)
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Definizione del messaggio (Aiuto:Contribuisci)
Al di là delle indicazioni generiche applicabili a qualunque tipo di wiki gestito con il programma MediaWiki, per la strutturazione dei contenuti di questo sito sono state adottate alcune convenzioni generali, che devono essere seguite per poter consentire una corretta fruizione dei contenuti.
TraduzioneBeyond the general indications applicable to any type of wiki managed with the MediaWiki program, for the structure of the contents of this site have been adopted some general conventions, which must be followed in order to allow a proper use of its content.

Beyond the general indications applicable to any type of wiki managed with the MediaWiki program, for the structure of the contents of this site have been adopted some general conventions, which must be followed in order to allow a proper use of its content.