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Riga 1: Riga 1:
The company was active in Bologna and often is assumed that there are ties (in particular for the [[The Scotland]] brand production) with [[Omas]] (but none is clearly documented). It is considered for the quality of its pens one of the most interesting historic Italian producers. The company produced high-quality fountain pens until all the 40s, but suffered heavily in the post-war from the effects the success of the ballpoint pen, and production ceased in the '50s.
The company was active in the Bologna area and it's often assumed having ties (in particular for the [[The Scotland]] brand production) with [[Omas]], but none is clearly documented. It is considered for the quality of its pens one of the most interesting historic Italian producers. The company produced high-quality fountain pens until all the 40s, but suffered heavily in the post-war from the effects the success of the ballpoint pen, and production ceased in the '50s.{{BrandData|Founder=Giuseppe Tantini, Giorgio Stiassi|Place=Bologna|Date=1919|Country=IT|Closing=1948|Trademarks=The Scotland,Tabo}}

Versione attuale delle 19:43, 3 lug 2017

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Definizione del messaggio (Stiassi e Tantini)
L'azienda era attiva nel bolognese tanto che spesso si ipotizzano legami non meglio precisati con la [[Omas]] (in particolare per la produzione a marchio [[The Scotland]]) ed è considerata, per la qualità delle sue penne, uno dei più interessanti produttori storici italiani. L'azienda produsse penne stilografiche di buona qualità fino a tutti gli anni '40, ma nel dopoguerra subì pesantemente gli effetti del successo della penna a sfera, e la produzione cessò negli anni '50.{{BrandData|Founder=Giuseppe Tantini, Giorgio Stiassi|Place=Bologna|Date=1919|Country=IT|Closing=1948|Trademarks=The Scotland,Tabo}}
== Storia ==
TraduzioneThe company was active in the Bologna area and it's often assumed having ties (in particular for the [[The Scotland]] brand production) with [[Omas]], but none is clearly documented. It is considered for the quality of its pens one of the most interesting historic Italian producers. The company produced high-quality fountain pens until all the 40s, but suffered heavily in the post-war from the effects the success of the ballpoint pen, and production ceased in the '50s.{{BrandData|Founder=Giuseppe Tantini, Giorgio Stiassi|Place=Bologna|Date=1919|Country=IT|Closing=1948|Trademarks=The Scotland,Tabo}}

The company was active in the Bologna area and it's often assumed having ties (in particular for the The Scotland brand production) with Omas, but none is clearly documented. It is considered for the quality of its pens one of the most interesting historic Italian producers. The company produced high-quality fountain pens until all the 40s, but suffered heavily in the post-war from the effects the success of the ballpoint pen, and production ceased in the '50s.
