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Riga 1: Riga 1:
==External references==
==External references==
* http://www.pensburymanor.com/
* [http://www.pensburymanor.com/] Website dedicated to the company, many photos, with some unique models.
* http://www.penhero.com/PenGallery/Eversharp/WahlEversharp.htm
* [http://www.penhero.com/PenGallery/Eversharp/WahlEversharp.htm] Chronology and articles index about the company in the Jim Mamoulides website.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eversharp
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eversharp] Wikipedia page about the company
* http://www.billspens.com/billspens/eversharp/eversharp.htm
* [http://www.billspens.com/billspens/eversharp/eversharp.htm] Brand page on Bill Aker website.
* http://www.pendemonium.com/pens_eversharp.htm
* [http://www.pendemonium.com/pens_eversharp.htm] An article on the early history.
* http://www.rickconner.net/penspotters/eversharp.html
* [http://www.rickconner.net/penspotters/eversharp.html] An article on the brand.
* http://www.rickconner.net/penoply/we.0.html
* [http://www.rickconner.net/penoply/we.0.html] An article on the brand.
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/36935-kingswood/] Discussion about  links with [[Kingswood]].
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/196033-eversharp-in-the-uk/] Discussion on the English production.

Versione attuale delle 13:38, 24 gen 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Eversharp)
==Riferimenti esterni==
* [http://www.pensburymanor.com/] Sito dedicato all'azienda, molte foto anche di modelli unici. 
* [http://www.penhero.com/PenGallery/Eversharp/WahlEversharp.htm] Cronologia e indice di articoli sull'azienda nel sito di Jim Mamoulides.
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eversharp] Pagina di Wikipedia sull'azienda.
* [http://www.billspens.com/billspens/eversharp/eversharp.htm] Pagina sull'azienda sul sito di Bill Acker.
* [http://www.pendemonium.com/pens_eversharp.htm] Articolo sulla storia iniziale.
* [http://www.rickconner.net/penspotters/eversharp.html] Articolo sull'azienda.
* [http://www.rickconner.net/penoply/we.0.html] Articolo sull'azienda.
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/36935-kingswood/] Discussione sui legami con la [[Kingswood]].
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/196033-eversharp-in-the-uk/] Discussione sulla produzione inglese.
Traduzione==External references==
* [http://www.pensburymanor.com/] Website dedicated to the company, many photos, with some unique models.
* [http://www.penhero.com/PenGallery/Eversharp/WahlEversharp.htm] Chronology and articles index about the company in the Jim Mamoulides website.
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eversharp] Wikipedia page about the company
* [http://www.billspens.com/billspens/eversharp/eversharp.htm] Brand page on Bill Aker website.
* [http://www.pendemonium.com/pens_eversharp.htm] An article on the early history.
* [http://www.rickconner.net/penspotters/eversharp.html] An article on the brand.
* [http://www.rickconner.net/penoply/we.0.html] An article on the brand.
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/36935-kingswood/] Discussion about  links with [[Kingswood]].
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/196033-eversharp-in-the-uk/] Discussion on the English production.

External references

  • [1] Website dedicated to the company, many photos, with some unique models.
  • [2] Chronology and articles index about the company in the Jim Mamoulides website.
  • [3] Wikipedia page about the company
  • [4] Brand page on Bill Aker website.
  • [5] An article on the early history.
  • [6] An article on the brand.
  • [7] An article on the brand.
  • [8] Discussion about links with Kingswood.
  • [9] Discussion on the English production.
