Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations:Capacità dei sistemi di caricamento/2/en"

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(Creata pagina con "The following table of cartridge capacity is used as a reference (the measures mentioned have been collected on the internet, and have not yet been verified with the methodolo...")
Riga 1: Riga 1:
The following table of cartridge capacity is used as a reference (the measures mentioned have been collected on the internet, and have not yet been verified with the methodology adopted later; when they will be, the relevant column will be updated):
The following table of cartridge capacity is used as a reference. The measures mentioned have been collected on the internet, and have not yet been verified with the methodology adopted later (weight difference between full and empty); when they will be, the relevant column will be updated:

Versione attuale delle 15:18, 5 apr 2021

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Definizione del messaggio (Capacità dei sistemi di caricamento)
Come riferimento si prenda la seguente tabella di capacità delle cartucce. Le misure citate sono state raccolte su internet, e non sono state ancora verificate con la metodologia adottata in seguito (differenza di peso fra cartuccia piena e vuota); quando lo saranno la relativa colonna sarà aggiornata:
TraduzioneThe following table of cartridge capacity is used as a reference. The measures mentioned have been collected on the internet, and have not yet been verified with the methodology adopted later (weight difference between full and empty); when they will be, the relevant column will be updated:

The following table of cartridge capacity is used as a reference. The measures mentioned have been collected on the internet, and have not yet been verified with the methodology adopted later (weight difference between full and empty); when they will be, the relevant column will be updated: