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m (FuzzyBot ha spostato la pagina Translations:John Holland Pen Company/1/en a Translations:Holland/1/en senza lasciare redirect: Part of translatable page John Holland Pen Company.)
Riga 1: Riga 1:
The [[Holland|John Holland Pen Company]] was one of the first fountain pen manufacturers, beginning production in the second half of 1800. The apex of its success, however, was in this early period of the fountain pen history. At that time the company contributed to fountain pens spread and evolution, particularly in the early '900, when Holland distinguished itself in the research for new filling systems.
The ''John Holland Pen Company'' was one of the first fountain pen manufacturers, beginning production in the second half of 1800. The apex of its success, however, was in this early period of the fountain pen history. At that time the company contributed to fountain pens spread and evolution, particularly in the early '900, when [[Holland]] distinguished itself in the research for new filling systems.

Versione attuale delle 19:13, 10 ago 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Holland)
La ''John Holland Pen Company'' è stato uno dei primi produttori di penne stilografiche, iniziando la produzione nella seconda metà dell'800. L'apice del successo dell'azienda comunque ancorato al periodo iniziale della storia della stilografica, della quale ha contribuito alla diffusione ed evoluzione, ed in particolare all'inizio del '900, quando la [[Holland]] si distinse nella ricerca di nuovi [[Caricamento|sistemi di riempimento]].
TraduzioneThe ''John Holland Pen Company'' was one of the first fountain pen manufacturers, beginning production in the second half of 1800. The apex of its success, however, was in this early period of the fountain pen history. At that time the company contributed to fountain pens spread and evolution, particularly in the early '900, when [[Holland]] distinguished itself in the research for new filling systems.

The John Holland Pen Company was one of the first fountain pen manufacturers, beginning production in the second half of 1800. The apex of its success, however, was in this early period of the fountain pen history. At that time the company contributed to fountain pens spread and evolution, particularly in the early '900, when Holland distinguished itself in the research for new filling systems.