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Riga 1: Riga 1:
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche}}
The ''SAFIS'' origins have not been very clear for a long time and its place in the market with various brand names that refer to this company has been uncertain. But recent findings have found documentary references that a company with the name  ''Società Anonima Pennini King'', holder of the [[The King]] trademark was founded in Turin, June 23, 1926, and further evidence shows that it was later forced to change its name in ''Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche'', probably as a result of the policy of names Italianisation imposed by the fascist regime.
The ''SAFIS'' origins have not been very clear for a long time and its place in the market with various brand names that refer to this company has been uncertain. But recent findings have found documentary references that a company with the name  ''Società Anonima Pennini King'', holder of the [[The King]] trademark was founded in Turin, June 23, 1926, and further evidence shows that it was later forced to change its name in ''Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche'', probably as a result of the policy of names Italianisation imposed by the fascist regime.

Versione delle 23:56, 31 lug 2016

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Definizione del messaggio (SAFIS)
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche}}
Le origini della ''SAFIS'' per molto tempo non sono state molto chiare ed a lungo la sua collocazione sul mercato con i vari marchi che fanno riferimento a questa azienda è stata incerta. Ma risultanze recenti hanno permesso di determinare, con riferimento ai documenti registrati presso la camera di commercio di Torino, che l'azienda fu fondata a Torino il 23 giugno 1926 con la denominazione ''"Società Anonima Pennini King"'' ed in seguito (il 6 luglio 1934) sostanzialmente forzata a cambiare nome in ''"Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche"'', per le pressioni derivanti dalla politica di italianizzazione dei nomi imposta dal regime fascista.
Traduzione{{DISPLAYTITLE:Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche}}
The ''SAFIS'' origins have not been very clear for a long time and its place in the market with various brand names that refer to this company has been uncertain. But recent findings have found documentary references that a company with the name  ''Società Anonima Pennini King'', holder of the [[The King]] trademark was founded in Turin, June 23, 1926, and further evidence shows that it was later forced to change its name in ''Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche'', probably as a result of the policy of names Italianisation imposed by the fascist regime.

The SAFIS origins have not been very clear for a long time and its place in the market with various brand names that refer to this company has been uncertain. But recent findings have found documentary references that a company with the name Società Anonima Pennini King, holder of the The King trademark was founded in Turin, June 23, 1926, and further evidence shows that it was later forced to change its name in Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Stilografiche, probably as a result of the policy of names Italianisation imposed by the fascist regime.