Translations:Aiuto:Caricare un brevetto/3/en

Versione del 19 dic 2018 alle 01:59 di Piccardi (discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con "In the text of the page must then be inserted the various information relating to the patent with the appropriate template, this means that you must insert in text similar to...")
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In the text of the page must then be inserted the various information relating to the patent with the appropriate template, this means that you must insert in text similar to the following:

|Inventor=Inventor name (read from the patent, if more than one put them separated by commas)
|Assignee=Assignee (read from patent)
|Country=US (two-letter code)
|ApplicationNum=(application number)
|ApplicationDate=1901-04-24 (date of application/application, from patent, ISO format)
|PatentNum=719529 (patent number, should be the same of the file name)
|PatentDate=1903-02-03 (date of registration, from patent)
|PriorityDate=1901-04-24 (priority date, usually the same as application)
|Titolo=Patent title (read from patent)
|Marca = Brand name (the one used in the wiki, Waterman, Sheaffer, etc.)
|Descrizione=Short description (maximum one line)
A little longer description. Possibly containing references to other patents with 
or the fact that it is the same patent obtained in another country 
with {{SamePatent|XX|NNNNNN}}.