
Versione del 25 mag 2019 alle 19:34 di Piccardi (discussione | contributi)
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It is also believed that the company has produced parts and pen for other brands, and some believe that also the brand Scriba is attributable to Stilus, but this can be excluded because that trademark was registered (Reg. Gen. N. 42353) by a company from Verona. For sure it was attributable to it the Eridano trademark, registered in 1929 (Reg. Gen. N. 38320), which use is confirmed by this invoice from 1937. The same trademark is reported in this page of the Paravia guide of 1940 together with the mark Aurea, in one page of the same guide of 1948 are instead mentioned the two trademarks Eridania and Mewflex while in the same guide of 1952 are shown the Eridania and Dorica trademarks.