
Versione del 15 dic 2020 alle 00:10 di Piccardi (discussione | contributi)
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The end of the company is not very clear, someone report a bankruptcy in 1924 caused by a prolonged strike of all the employees. Others say that the company continued operation until 1927, because there are trace of it having headquarters in New York, 71 Fifth Ave, when it went off market by its incapacity to adapt its production to the era of the colored celluloid pens. It seems[1] that in 1924 there was a first instance of failure (whose causes seem to be specifically tied if not for a strike to serious problems of labor relations), which was followed by an attempt to reorganize the company with a re-foundation and a different location from the original in order to avoid debtor lawsuits. This was unsuccessful, leading a few years later to the final bankruptcy.

  1. look at this discussion about this topic in Fountain Pen Network.