
Versione del 20 dic 2014 alle 14:31 di Piccardi (discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con "The company was noted for economic models of medium quality, produced, as reported by Letizia Jacopini, in the Settimo Torinese district, and sold under this brand. The ea...")
Brand photos

The Estense, or better, according to the full denomination (and the registered trademark Reg. Gen. N. 91570), theMarca Estense, is a Modena company active from the 30s to 50s. There are very little information about the company, date of foundation is not known, just the trademark request in 1942, which places an upper limit, but the company is probably several years before. With the registration of the trademark we know the owner, Maria Pozzetta.

The company was noted for economic models of medium quality, produced, as reported by Letizia Jacopini, in the Settimo Torinese district, and sold under this brand. The earliest production is made of colorful celluloid pens with rolled metal decorations, gold nibs and button filler system. The body is typically stamped Marca Estense with the coat of arms of the Dukes of Este (an eagle in a laurel wreath).

Nel dopoguerra vennero commercializzate anche versioni in resina plastica con caricamento a stantuffo. L'azienda è inoltre nota per la produzione di penne di colore bianco o madreperla (in genere in celluloide) rivolte al mercato tradizionale del regalo della prima comunione.

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