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[[Image:1950-06-Luxor-Booklet25th-p01.jpg|thumb|upright|Cover of the book celebrating [[Luxor]] 25 years]]
[[Image:1950-06-Luxor-Booklet25th-p01.jpg|thumb|upright|Cover of the book celebrating [[Luxor]] 25 years]]
The [[Luxor]] was founded in [[1925]] in Heidelberg by ''Heinrich Hebborn''. His young age avoided him to go in the WWI and he started working at a paper mill until, around 1921, he meet in Heidelberg ''Rudolph Weber'', a [[Kaweco]] shareholder, with which he began to collaborate becoming head of the Cologne branch. In 1925 he associated with a merchant of Jewish origins, ''Leo Boettigheimer'' (who later died in Auschwitz in 1943) and with a [[Kaweco]] agent, Heinrich Schlicksupp. The three together gave birth to ''H. Hebborn & Co.''.
La [[Luxor]] venne fondata nel [[1925]] a Heidelberg da ''Heinrich Hebborn''. La giovane età gli evitò la partecipazione diretta alla prima guerra mondiale, ed iniziò a lavorare molto presto in una cartiera finché intorno al 1921 conobbe ad Heidelberg ''Rudolph Weber'', socio di riferimento della Kaweco, con la quale iniziò a collaborare diventando responsabile della filiale di Colonia. Nel 1925 si associò ad un commerciante di origini ebraiche, ''Leo Boettigheimer'' (che morirà poi nel campo di Auschwitz nel 1943) e ad un venditore [[Kaweco]], Heinrich Schlicksupp. I tre insieme dettero vita alla ''H. Hebborn & Co.''.
Although the company official name was ''H. Hebborn & Co.'' it was universally known by the name of its main brand: [[Luxor]]; besides this, maintaining an inspiration to the themes of ancient Egypt, it also used as a sub-brand ''[[Sphinx]]''. In [[1938]], the company moved production facilities in Cologne.
Although the company official name was ''H. Hebborn & Co.'' it was universally known by the name of its main brand: [[Luxor]]; besides this, maintaining an inspiration to the themes of ancient Egypt, it also used as a sub-brand ''[[Sphinx]]''. In [[1938]], the company moved production facilities in Cologne.
Riga 8: Riga 8:  
In the '40s, the company invented a telescopic [[piston filler]] with two concentric sections which allowed to have a much shorter mechanism, resulting in more space for the ink reservoir. The mechanism was mounted on a model called [[Luxor Teleskop| Teleskop]], and it seems that it is the same one that was later adopted also by [[Montblanc]] for its flagship models of the series [[Montblanc 13x|130]] and [[Montblanc 14x|140]].
In the '40s, the company invented a telescopic [[piston filler]] with two concentric sections which allowed to have a much shorter mechanism, resulting in more space for the ink reservoir. The mechanism was mounted on a model called [[Luxor Teleskop| Teleskop]], and it seems that it is the same one that was later adopted also by [[Montblanc]] for its flagship models of the series [[Montblanc 13x|130]] and [[Montblanc 14x|140]].
Other well-known names for the models produced by the company are the following: ''[[Luxor Visible|Visible]]'', ''[[Luxor Grandvisible|Grandvisible]]'', ...
Altri nomi noti di modelli prodotti dall'azienda sono i seguenti: ''[[Luxor Visible|Visible]]'', ''[[Luxor Grandvisible|Grandvisible]]'' ...
The activities of the [[Luxor]] ended around the 70s with the acquisition by the [[Parker]] German branch, and today the brand is no more.
The activities of the [[Luxor]] ended around the 70s with the acquisition by the [[Parker]] German branch, and today the brand is no more.
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