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<noinclude></noinclude>[[File:190x-HeintzeBlanckertz-Nibs.jpg|thumb|upright|Una pubblicità di pennini <noinclude>dell'azienda</noinclude><includeonly>della [[Heintze & Blanckertz]]</includeonly>]]
<noinclude></noinclude>[[File:190x-HeintzeBlanckertz-Nibs.jpg|thumb|upright|An advertisement of nibs <noinclude>from the company</noinclude><includeonly>of [[Heintze & Blanckertz]]</includeonly>]]
La <noinclude>ditta</noinclude><includeonly>[[Heintze & Blanckertz]]</includeonly> fu fondata nel [[1849]] (secondo Wikipedia, "preisgekrönt 1862" è la data che invece si legge su alcune confezioni di pennini) da Rudolf Heintze e Heinrich Blanckertz a Oranienburg, inizialmente produttrice di linoleum, poi distributrice di pennini da intinzione.
The <noinclude>company</noinclude><includeonly>[[Heintze & Blanckertz]]</includeonly> was founded in [[1849]] (according to Wikipedia, "preisgekrönt 1862" is the date on some nib packages) by Rudolf Heintze and Heinrich Blanckertz in Oranienburg, initially producing linoleum, then distributing dip nibs.
Intorno al [[1867]] Rudolf Heintze lasciò l'azienda e Heinrich Blanckertz divenne l'unico proprietario.
Around [[1867]] Rudolf Heintze left the company and Heinrich Blanckertz became the only owner.
Inizialmente l'azienda aveva sede in Heiligegeiststraße 13. Intorno al [[1856]] Blanckertz acquistò la proprietà di Fliederstraße 4 a Friedrichshain. Intorno al [[1872]] si aggiunse la proprietà in Gollnowstraße 11 e, dal 1889, quella in Georgenkirchstraße 44.
Initially the company was based at Heiligegeiststraße 13. Around [[1856]] Blanckertz acquired the property at Fliederstraße 4 in Friedrichshain. Around [[1872]] the property at Gollnowstraße 11 was added and, from 1889, the property at Georgenkirchstraße 44.
Nel [[1887]] Rudolf Blanckertz entrò a far parte dell'azienda paterna come rappresentante e ingegnere e nel [[1898]] fondò il Rudolf Blanckertz Type Museum. Dopo la morte del padre, nel 1908, Rudolf Blanckertz divenne l'unico proprietario dell'azienda e fece costruire un'acciaieria a Oranienburg nel [[1912]].  
In [[1887]] Rudolf Blanckertz joined his father's company as a representative and engineer and in [[1898]] founded the Rudolf Blanckertz Type Museum. After his father's death in [[1908]], Rudolf Blanckertz became the owner of the company and had a steel mill built in Oranienburg in [[1912]].  
A partire dal [[1913]] si dotò di un proprio laminatoio e divenne il primo produttore tedesco di pennini in acciaio.  
From [[1913]] he set up his own rolling mill and became the major German manufacturer of steel nibs.  
Nel [[1935]] fu trasformata in industria bellica. Verso la fine della seconda guerra mondiale fu distrutta dai bombardamenti, e i resti furono poi smantellati dall'Armata Rossa.
In [[1935]] the company was converted into a war industry. In [[1945]] the Oranienburg production facilities were destroyed, the remains dismantled by the Red Army, and the plant was nationalized. VEB Kaltwalzwerk Oranienburg was established at the site, which was modernized several times and produced cold rolled strip. The Georgenkirchstraße factory, which now belonged to East Berlin, was confiscated and became the property of the people (VEB) in [[1949]].  
L'azienda fu rifondata con sede a Berlino e Francoforte, ma successivamente la sede di Berlino fu confiscata dalle autorità del settore sovietico della città.
La sede di Francoforte rimase di proprietà della famiglia Blanckertz, continuando a produrre strumenti per la  scrittura e le belle arti. La sede di Berlino, invece, divenne nel [[1949]] la [[VEB Berliner Schreibfeder]] ("VEB" indica le imprese statali).
<noinclude>The company was reestablished in West Berlin, but later moved to Frankfurt and then to Wehrheim. With the advent of the ballpoint pen, the market for nibs was reduced to artistic drawing and calligraphy; today the company is still active, operating mainly in the field of artistic crafts and drawing.
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Materiale disponibile: {{GenerateSmallBrandGallery|Heintze & Blanckertz}}
Available material: {{GenerateSmallBrandGallery|Heintze & Blanckertz}}
{{BrandData|Founder=Rudolf Heintze, Heinrich Blanckertz|Date=1849|Place=Berlino|Country=DE}}