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[[Image:Logo-FaberCastell.svg|center|350px|Faber-Castell Logo]]
[[Image:Logo-FaberCastell.svg|center|350px|Faber-Castell Logo]]
[[Faber-Castell]] activities went back to the eighteenth century, andthe company is still known mainly for its work as a producer of pencils, carried out continuously from its origins. But also if pencils production has always been the main activity of the company, it can be put in the list of the main German fountain pen producer thanks to its acquisition of [[Osmia]] done in 1935, a trademark that was used up to the beginning of '60s, when the disposable ball point pushed [[Faber-Castell]] into production of economical models.  
''Faber-Castell'' activities went back to the eighteenth century, and the company is still known mainly for its work as a producer of pencils, carried out continuously from its origins. But also if pencils production has always been the main activity of the company, it can be put in the list of the main German fountain pen producer thanks to its acquisition of [[Osmia]] done in 1935, a trademark that was used up to the beginning of '60s, when the disposable ball point pushed ''Faber-Castell'' into production of economical models.  
While there are some fountain pens produced before the [[Osmia]] acquisition, [[Faber-Castell]] quality production is almost identified by this brand. Later production from '60s is quite insignificant, and it was interrupted in 1975 when company underwent a rebuild, erasing this section to concentrate in its pencil core business. But fountain pen production was restarted in recent years, when the interest for this unique writing instrument arise again.{{Infobox_Brand|Faber-Castell}}
While there are some fountain pens produced before the [[Osmia]] acquisition, ''Faber-Castell'' quality production is almost identified by this brand. Later production from '60s is quite insignificant, and it was interrupted in 1975 when company underwent a rebuild, erasing this section to concentrate in its pencil core business. But fountain pen production was restarted in recent years, when the interest for this unique writing instrument arise again.{{Infobox_Brand|Faber-Castell}}{{BrandData|Ancestor=Kaspar Faber|Founder=Alexander Castell|Place=Stein|OrigDate=1761|Date=1898|ProdDate=1908|Country=DE}}
[[Faber-Castell]] origins are traced back to 1761 when ''Kaspar Faber'' began a production of pencils in Stein, a village located close to Nuremberg. The activity was developed by his son ''Anton Wilhelm'', who created the ''A. W. Faber'' company, and then passed to his son. The real architects of the company success, however, was the grandson ''Lothar von Faber'', which took the direction of a declining company and with the invention of modern wooden pencil, remained unchanged to this day, built the success of the ''A. W. Faber'' brand.
''Faber-Castell'' origins are traced back to [[1761]]<ref>good part of the company's early history is taken from the historical information once posted on the official website, which can still be reached at [ this address].</ref> when ''Kaspar Faber'' began a production of pencils in Stein, a village located close to Nuremberg. The activity was developed by his son ''Anton Wilhelm Faber'', who created the ''A. W. Faber'' company, and then passed to his son. The real architects of the company success, however, was the grandson ''Lothar von Faber'', which took the direction of a declining company and with the invention of modern wooden pencil, remained unchanged to this day, built the success of the ''[[A. W. Faber]]'' brand.
In the mid of 1800 [[Faber-Castell]] was already a large international company, directed by ''Lothar von Faber'' with the help of its brothers Johan and Eberhard Faber. Both Eberhard and Johan created their own companies, the first in New York, where he went to direct the U.S. subsidiary of the mother company, always producing pencils, the second in Nuremberg, where in 1878 he founded a personal company, which in 1885 became a family limited partnership, the ''Johan A. Faber A.G.''.  
In the mid of 1800 ''Faber-Castell'' was already a large international company, directed by ''Lothar von Faber'' with the help of its brothers Johan and Eberhard Faber. Both Eberhard and Johan created their own companies, the first in New York, where he went to direct the U.S. subsidiary of the mother company, who in [[1861]] founded in Brooklin the ''[[Eberhard Faber]] Pencil Co.'', always producing pencils, the second in Nuremberg, where in [[1879]] he founded a personal company, which in [[1885]] became a family limited partnership, the ''[[Johan Faber A. G.]]''.  
Johan Faber started also a production of fountain pens around the '20s; they were mainly [[safety]] hard rubber pens but a [[button filler]] was also produced; also some metal models were produced. The company logo consisted of two crossed hammers, and on the hard rubber models caps was imprinted the name Johan Faber, also reported on the clip. In the late '20s a [[piston filler]] series was produced, with rounded ends and up to four band on the cap.   
Johan Faber started also a production of fountain pens around the '20s; they were mainly [[safety]] hard rubber pens but a [[button filler]] was also produced; also some metal models were produced. The company logo consisted of two crossed hammers, and on the hard rubber models caps was imprinted the name Johan Faber, also reported on the clip. In the late '20s a [[piston filler]] series was produced, with rounded ends and up to four band on the cap.   
The main branch of the company remained under ''Lothar Faber'' direction until his death, after that his wife took over the management and then, in 1898, the count ''Alexander zu Castell'', who had married his niece. He renamed the company using the name under which its is still known today, transforming it into the  ''A. W. Faber-Castell''. The production, however, remained focused on pencils, and the first fountain pen, a hard rubber [[safety]] pen, is traced back to 1908. The pen was imprinted with the words ''A. W. Faber-Castell'' and given the similarity of its filling mechanism, is quite probable that it had been produced by [[Kaweco]] on commission.
The main branch of the company remained under ''Lothar Faber'' direction until his death, after that his wife took over the management and then, in [[1898]], the count ''Alexander zu Castell'', who had married his niece. He renamed the company using the name under which its is still known today, transforming it into the  ''A. W. Faber-Castell''. The production, however, remained focused on pencils, and the first fountain pen, a hard rubber [[safety]] pen, is traced back to [[1908]]. The pen was imprinted with the words ''A. W. Faber-Castell'' and given the similarity of its filling mechanism, is quite probable that it had been produced by [[Kaweco]] on commission.
Alla morte di ''Alexander Castell'' nel 1929 l'azienda divenne una società in accomandita familiare. Il figlio Roland realizzò fra il 1931 ed il 1932 la riunificazione fra la ''A. W. Faber-Castell'' e la ''Johan Faber A. G.'' dando vita alla [[Faber-Castell]] di oggi. Nel 1935 la [[Faber-Castell]] iniziò ad acquistare le azioni della ''Osmia A. G.'', all'epoca uno dei principali produttori tedeschi, assumendone il controllo per poter avere un forte punto di appoggio nell'industria della produzione di stilografiche.
After the death of ''Alexander Castell'' in [[1929]] the company became a family limited partnership. His son Roland obtained between [[1931]] and [[1932]] the reunification between the ''A. W. Faber-Castell'' and the ''[[Johan Faber A. G.]]'', giving life to the actual ''Faber-Castell''. In [[1935]] ''Faber-Castell'' began to buy shares of the  ''[[Osmia]] A. G.'', that at that time was between the major German fountain pen producers, taking control over the company in order to have a strong starting point in pens manufacturing.
Nonostante l'acquisizione della [[Osmia]] la [[Faber-Castell]] produsse direttamente anche qualche modello, nel 1936 produsse un modello con il suo stesso nome inciso su tutte le parti della penna, disponibile in quattro colori; la penna era dotata di [[caricamento a stantuffo]] e di finiture (clip e veretta) in oro 14k e portava il logo dell'azienda, una bilancia che rappresentava l'integrità sul piano commerciale.  
Despite the acquisition of [[Osmia]], ''Faber-Castell'' also produced some model with just its brand, in [[1936]] was produced a model with the ''Faber-Castell'' name engraved on all parts of the pen, available in four colors, the pen was a [[piston filler]] with and finishes (band and clip) in 14k gold, and bore the logo of the company, a balance that represented trade integrity.  
[[Image:1937-07-FaberCastell-n36.jpg|thumb|Pubblicità di una [[Faber-Castell]] ]]
[[Image:1937-07-FaberCastell-n36.jpg|thumb|upright|A ''Faber-Castell'' advertising]]
Con l'acquisizione della [[Osmia]] le  stilografiche assunsero l'iscrizione ''A. W. Faber-Castell Dossenheim'' ma continuarono anche a portare il marchio [[Osmia]], che era ben conosciuto e stimato, fino agli anni '60. Alla fine degli anni '30, a causa della seconda guerra mondiale, l'azienda subì, come tutti gli altri produttori tedeschi, notevoli difficoltà, ma nonostante la produzione venisse ridotta per la chiamata alle armi della gran parte degli impiegati, essa restò attiva, e non avendo gli impianti subito danni significativi, la produzione fu ripresa a pieno ritmo a partire dal 1946, riproponendo gli stessi modelli dell'anteguerra, ma con il solo [[caricamento a stantuffo]] e con l'esplicita dicitura (oltre al marchio ed al logo [[Osmia]]) di ''A. W. Faber-Castell''.
After [[Osmia]] acquisition pens were just marked adding an ''A. W. Faber-Castell Dossenheim'' inscription, keeping the original trademark. In the late '30s, because of World War II, like all other German manufacturers the company suffered major difficulties, but despite the production was reduced for the call to arms of most of the employees, it remained active. After the war, not having the facilities suffered significant damage, production was resumed at full speed from [[1946]], proposing the same models of before, but with only with a [[piston filler]] and with the explicit endorsement (in addition to the [[Osmia]] brand and logo) of ''A. W. Faber-Castell''.
Dal 1949 la [[Faber-Castell]] iniziò anche la produzione di penne a sfera, e nel 1950 introdusse direttamente anche un suo modello a forma di siluro, denominato [[Gentleman]], nei colori nero o grigio perla e argento. La penna aveva caratteristiche rivoluzionare, una clip a forma di farfalla ed un particolare [[caricamento a stantuffo]] che conteneva parte del meccanismo nella manopola stessa, consentendo una maggiore dimensione del serbatoio, ma soprattutto era realizzata con un corpo trasparente coperto da un cilindro di plastica opaca sul quale erano praticate una serie regolare di incisioni che svolgevano allo stesso tempo il ruolo di facilitare l'impugnatura della penna e di consentire la visualizzazione del livello di inchiostro.  
Since [[1949]] ''Faber-Castell'' also began producing ballpoint pens, and in [[1950]] introduced a torpedo shaped model, called [[Gentleman]] in black or gray pearl and silver. The pen had revolutionary features like a butterfly shaped clip and a particular [[piston filler]] which contained part of the mechanism in the knob, allowing a greatest dimension of the tank; it was made with a transparent body covered by an opaque plastic cylinder with a regular series of etchings that at the same time had the role of facilitating the grip of the pen and allow viewing the ink level.  
All'inizio degli anni '60 il marchio [[Osmia]] non venne più utilizzato e vennero introdotti una serie di modelli a pennino coperto marchiati direttamente ''A. W. Faber-Castell'', dotati di sezione trasparente per la visualizzazione del livello di inchiostro, più sottili rispetto alle versioni precedenti e realizzati in plastica a stampo. La linea di lusso venne denominata [[Faber-Castell 66|66]], aveva il corpo in plastica nera, rossa, blu o verde, il cappuccio laminato ed il pennino in oro; i modelli di fascia media vennero chiamati [[Faber-Castell Progress]] e prodotti in tre versioni, la 77S in plastica con pennino in acciaio, la 55S con cappuccio in argento e corpo in plastica e pennino in acciao, e la 55G con pennino in oro. Venne prodotta anche una versione per studenti denominata 54VT (da ''Vest Tank'') un serbatoio di riserva usabile tramite una valvola.  
In the early '60s the [[Osmia]] trademark was no longer used;  a number of hooded nib plastic models were introduced, they were thinner than previous one and marked ''A. W. Faber-Castell'', with a transparent section for ink level view. The luxury line was called [[Faber-Castell 66|66]], with body in black, red, blue or green plastic, rolled gold cap and gold nib, the mid range models were called [[Faber-Castell Progress]] and produced in three versions: the 77S in plastic with a steel nib, the 55S with silver cap, plastic body and steel nib, the 55G with gold nib. It was also produced a student model called 54VT, because the ''Vest Tank'', with a secondary reservoir usable through a valve.  
Alla fine degli anni '60, come avveniva per la gran parte di tutti gli altri produttori di penne stilografiche, avendo per di più completamente cancellato un marchio prestigioso che godeva di una vasta popolarità, le vendite declinarono in maniera irreversibile, reggendo solo parzialmente per le penne destinate agli studenti. Nel 1975, nel corso di una ristrutturazione aziendale, la [[Faber-Castell]] eliminò completamente l'intero settore di produzione delle stilografiche, salvo riprendere la produzione ai nostri giorni, con il ritorno in voga di questo strumento di scrittura.
In the late '60s, as for most of the other fountain pens producers, having also completely erased a prestigious brand that enjoyed a wide popularity, sales had an irreversible decline, holding only partially for the students pens. In [[1975]], during a corporation restructuration, ''Faber-Castell'' completely eliminated the entire field of fountain pens production, resuming today, with the return of interest for this popular writing tool.
| 1761 || Nascita della [[Faber-Castell]]
| 1878 || Nascita della ''Johan Faber A. G.''
| 1898 || ''Alexander Castell'' trasforma la ''A. W. Faber'' nella ''A. W. [[Faber-Castell]]''
| 1931/32 || Riunificate la ''A. W. Faber-Castell'' e la ''Johan Faber A. G.''
| 1935 || La [[Faber-Castell]] acquisisce la [[Osmia]]
| 1950 || La [[Faber-Castell]] introduce il modello [[Gentleman]]
| 1951 || La [[Faber-Castell]] incorpora ufficialmente la [[Osmia]]
| 1975 || La [[Faber-Castell]] cessa la produzione di stilografiche
==External references==
* [] The company history from the official website (archives)
| ?? || ?? ||
* [] An history of the [[Eberhard Faber]]
* [] An article on nib making centered on the American subsidiary of ''[[A. W. Faber]]'' and the ''[[Eberhard Faber]]''
==Riferimenti esterni==
* [] La storia dell'azienda dal sito ufficiale