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Riga 20: Riga 20:  
At least in the early years is also known an economic production under the brand ''[[Eridania]]'', usually accompanied by a model number, and sometimes by the letters ''PCT'', as an acronym of ''Pecco and C., Turin''. The initial production were eyedropper or [[safety]] hard rubber pens, in four different sizes. The same trademark was used on a later production for celluloid [[button filler]] models.  
At least in the early years is also known an economic production under the brand ''[[Eridania]]'', usually accompanied by a model number, and sometimes by the letters ''PCT'', as an acronym of ''Pecco and C., Turin''. The initial production were eyedropper or [[safety]] hard rubber pens, in four different sizes. The same trademark was used on a later production for celluloid [[button filler]] models.  
Si ritiene anche che l'azienda abbia prodotto per altri marchi, alcuni ritengono gli sia attribuibile anche la produzione a marchio ''[[Scriba]]'', di certo è attribuibile all'azienda il marchio [[Eridano]] (registrato nel 1929 {{Marchio|38320}}, il cui uso è confermato anche da [[:File:Stilus-Eridano-Invoice-1937-01.jpg|questa fattura]] del 1937.
Si ritiene anche che l'azienda abbia prodotto per altri marchi, alcuni ritengono gli sia attribuibile anche la produzione a marchio ''[[Scriba]]'', di certo è attribuibile all'azienda il marchio [[Eridano]] registrato nel 1929 ({{Marchio|38320}}), il cui uso è confermato anche da [[:File:Stilus-Eridano-Invoice-1937-01.jpg|questa fattura]] del 1937.
After this early ones, as done by most Italian brands in the same period, newer models were produced using a [[Duofold]]-like style. Some of them have a ball clip marked with the ''Stilus'' brand in cursive engraved vertically, to which was added a longitudinal ''18 KR'' engraving written on the end of the clip near the ball. These models were produced with both button and lever filler. The production of these models continued until the '30s, with new celluloid versions.
After this early ones, as done by most Italian brands in the same period, newer models were produced using a [[Duofold]]-like style. Some of them have a ball clip marked with the ''Stilus'' brand in cursive engraved vertically, to which was added a longitudinal ''18 KR'' engraving written on the end of the clip near the ball. These models were produced with both button and lever filler. The production of these models continued until the '30s, with new celluloid versions.
Riga 38: Riga 38:  
[[Image:Stilus-Automatica-RedGold-Posted.jpg|thumb|left|A [[Stilus]] in [[celluloid]] ]]
[[Image:Stilus-Automatica-RedGold-Posted.jpg|thumb|left|A [[Stilus]] in [[celluloid]] ]]
With the progress of the autharchic fascist propaganda in the late '30s as the other manufacturers, the company began to use steel nibs, and like the other Italian companies adopted for the steel alloy an invented name: ''[[Osmiria]]'', that was registered as trademark in 1939 ({{Marchio|60764}}). Use of steel nibs were then combined with chrome trim instead of gold ones.
Con il progredire della propaganda autarchica del regime fascista, alla fine degli anni '30 come gli altri produttori l'azienda iniziò ad usare pennini in acciaio, e come le altre aziende adottò per la lega utilizzata un nome di fantasia ''[[Osmiria]]'' (registrato nel 1939, al {{Marchio|60764}}). All'uso dei pennini di acciaio vennero poi abbinate delle finiture cromate anziché dorate. Nella fattura del 1937 citata in precedenza, si parla inoltre di penne [[Eridano]] a stantuffo, cosa che renderebbe la ditta fra le prime (se non la prima) ad aver utilizzato questo sistema, fin da prima della guerra.
After the war the production quality began to decline. Following the design in vogue at that time, adopted by all manufacturers, new models were more streamlined, using an ogival shape. In addition to conventional lever filler and the button filler was also used the new piston filler. Were also produced economic fountain pens with gold-plated steel nibs.  
After the war the production quality began to decline. Following the design in vogue at that time, adopted by all manufacturers, new models were more streamlined, using an ogival shape. In addition to conventional lever filler and the button filler was also used the new piston filler. Were also produced economic fountain pens with gold-plated steel nibs.  
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