Cronologia della pagina
7 mar 2018
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Creata pagina con "Apart from this, the section is generally the part of the pen traditionally less subject in itself to innovations of a technical and stylistic nature, even if there are partic..."
Creata pagina con "The section, in addition to be used to keep in contact nib and feeder, is also the most common grip point of the pen in the writing phase, and for this it generally presents a..."
Creata pagina con "The section is present on almost all the fountain pens except for some particular designs like PFM, where the nib is directly inlaid on the section and]] then protrude, or..."
Creata pagina con "It's called "section" the final block of the tip of the pen, the one in which the nib and feeder are inserted. The figure shows the three most common types of section present..."
Creata pagina con "thumb|Three different types of sections "
Creata pagina con "Section"
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