| The company was created from the activities of two German entrepreneurs, ''Paul Kohler'' and ''Christian Schaefer'' in Pforzheim in Germany around 1910,<ref>the majority of the data relating to this company comes from direct correspondence with the great-grandson of ''Christian Schaefer'', which allowed us to correct the errors and inaccuracies previously present on the page, some dates, such as that of the foundation, the closure of the original German company are still indicative, the names of the two founders are also in the patent {{Cite patent|GB|302015}} (identical to {{Cite patent|CH|130454}}) registered in the name of ''Kohler & Schaefer''.</ref> and from the initial letters of their names was born that of the company. This was initially dedicated to the production of multi-mini mechanical pencils, in gold and silver, capable of changing four colours. | | The company was created from the activities of two German entrepreneurs, ''Paul Kohler'' and ''Christian Schaefer'' in Pforzheim in Germany around 1910,<ref>the majority of the data relating to this company comes from direct correspondence with the great-grandson of ''Christian Schaefer'', which allowed us to correct the errors and inaccuracies previously present on the page, some dates, such as that of the foundation, the closure of the original German company are still indicative, the names of the two founders are also in the patent {{Cite patent|GB|302015}} (identical to {{Cite patent|CH|130454}}) registered in the name of ''Kohler & Schaefer''.</ref> and from the initial letters of their names was born that of the company. This was initially dedicated to the production of multi-mini mechanical pencils, in gold and silver, capable of changing four colours. |
− | L'azienda venne comunque gestita principalmente dalla famiglia Schaefer, in quanto Kohler abbandonò l'attività dopo poco tempo. A Milano venne fondata la filiale con la fabbrica italiana, inizialmente in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, poi in Via Conservatorio 6 a Milano (come risulta da [[:File:1929-09-Kosca-Invoice.jpg|questa fattura]] del 1929). La prima registrazione di un marchio avvenne nel 1929 ({{Marchio|40298}}) con un logotipo delle iniziali ''K&S'', non vi è traccia invece del numero di marchio (C.C.I. Milano 937773) presente nella fattura citata. Dello stesso periodo è anche la registrazione dei marchi [[Spezial]] ({{Marchio|40301}}) e [[Spezial Super]] ({{Marchio|40299}}). Molto più tardo (richiesto nel 1938) è invece il marchio [[Record]] ({{Marchio|59025}}), di cui esiste un rinnovo anche nel dopoguerra.
| + | However, the Schaefer family managed the company mainly because Kohler left the business shortly afterwards. In Milan, the branch with the Italian factory was founded, initially in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, then in via Conservatorio 6 in Milan (as shown by [[:File:1929-09-Kosca-Invoice.jpg|this invoice]] from 1929). The first trademark registration on their behalf was in 1929 ({{Marchio|40298}}), with a logo of the ''K&S'' initials; no trace instead of the number cited on the invoice (C.C.I. Milano 937773). In the same time the comapany registered also [[Spezial]] ({{Marchio|40301}}) and [[Spezial Super]] ({{Marchio|40299}}) trademarks. Much later, requested in 1938, is the [[Record]] ({{Marchio|59025}}) trademark, that was also renewed after the war. |