Riga 15:
Riga 15:
The story of the ''Williason-Torino'' starts instead around [[1906]], indicative date, when ''Riccardo Amisani'' began importing [[Williamson]] pens from the U.S. and distribute them in Italy.<ref>and he was also, as shown [[:File:1915-12-Waterman-Amisani.jpg|this advertisement]], a [[Waterman]] agent, at least until 1915.</ref> At that time it did not still exist an Italian producers that could compete on equal terms with American and British producers. The [[Williamson]] pens were good quality and enjoyed quite a good success, which prompted Amisani to start a local production of spare parts. From this first period in Italy were distributed [[lever filler]] and [[safety]] pens very similar to the corresponding American models; in a second time there was a production of [[flat top]] in celluloid, clearly inspired by [[Duofold]]. These pens have the imprint for a N. 4497 patent, with the date (found on a [[safety]]) of 1912-01-27.
The story of the ''Williason-Torino'' starts instead around [[1906]], indicative date, when ''Riccardo Amisani'' began importing [[Williamson]] pens from the U.S. and distribute them in Italy.<ref>and he was also, as shown [[:File:1915-12-Waterman-Amisani.jpg|this advertisement]], a [[Waterman]] agent, at least until 1915.</ref> At that time it did not still exist an Italian producers that could compete on equal terms with American and British producers. The [[Williamson]] pens were good quality and enjoyed quite a good success, which prompted Amisani to start a local production of spare parts. From this first period in Italy were distributed [[lever filler]] and [[safety]] pens very similar to the corresponding American models; in a second time there was a production of [[flat top]] in celluloid, clearly inspired by [[Duofold]]. These pens have the imprint for a N. 4497 patent, with the date (found on a [[safety]]) of 1912-01-27.
Unfortunately the American company, which at the beginning of the century had achieved good results in the United States, could not withstand the competition pressure from its neighbours, and had a gradual decline that led it to its closing, which occurred at the beginning of the 30s. In the meantime however the Italian fountain pen industry developed, in particular in the district of [[Settimo Torinese]], which led Amisani, who since 1921 had registered the trademark ({{Marchio|20926}}) on his name, to create an independent production under the name of ''"Società Anonima Penne a Serbatoio Williamson"'' a company founded in the early '30s and located in Via Pr. Amedeo, 12, Turin. In the original registration there is a reference to the trademark transfer to the ''"Soc. An. Penne a Serbatoio"'' in August 1934, which places a limit on the birth of the new company.
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Unfortunately the American company, which at the beginning of the century had achieved good results in the United States, could not withstand the competition pressure from its neighbours, and had a gradual decline that led it to its closing, which occurred at the beginning of the 30s. In the meantime however the Italian fountain pen industry developed, in particular in the district of [[Settimo Torinese]], which led Amisani, who since 1921 had registered the trademark ({{Marchio|20926}}) on his name, to create an independent production under the name of ''"Società Anonima Penne a Serbatoio Williamson"'' a company founded in the early '30s and located in Via Pr. Amedeo, 12, Turin. In the original registration there is a reference to the trademark transfer to the ''"Soc. An. Penne a Serbatoio"'' in August 1934, which places a limit on the birth of the new company.
[[File:Williamson-Vac-RingedBrown-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Vacumatic]] like [[Williamson]]]]
[[File:Williamson-Vac-RingedBrown-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Vacumatic]] like [[Williamson]]]]